19 | Kirstie

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Comments are life.

"Mitchell, my darling, my angel, my love, my precious one!"

"'Sup, Kirstie?" I can't help but smile when I see her. She's on Broadway these days, starring in TLHG while finishing her degree at Juilliard. What's the point of a musical theater degree when you're already Kirstin Maldonado? I don't get it, but she's always wanted to graduate.

"You know what's beautiful?" she asks.

"Your face?" It really is. "When are you going to tell me where I can find the fountain of youth?"

"I was gonna say the sound of your voice. Keep talking. You're welcome to keep saying nice things about me."

"Don't worry; I have plenty to say. I'm invoking the right of Kirstie-client privilege." It's a lot like attorney-client privilege, except she's allowed to break it whenever she pleases at her sole discretion. "First, though, how's my big sister?" She's the big sister, and Scott was the little sister.

"Keeping busy, loving every minute. I've said it before, but the whole cast is amazing. How about you? How's the movie coming?"

"It feels like we're actually on track to finish on time. It's gonna be an okay movie, I think. Spoiler alert: I kissed a girl."

"I was there," she giggles.

"A different girl! But it's boy troubles I'm calling about."

"Fire away," she invites. And then, of course, we burst into song. Fire away, fire away. You shoot me down, but I won't fall... I wish.

Kirstie's voice, even through our less-than-perfect FaceTime connection, sounds richer and fuller than it used to. Maybe college is worth something after all, or maybe her voice is just maturing nicely. "This is a bit of a saga," I begin.

"From the start."

"I was feeling really down about Scott and how we left things, more than usual. Normally I just keep calm and carry on, but it's really been eating me up, so I told Alex. He took it pretty well. As soon as Scott came back to town, though, he went to talk to him."

"That can't have been pretty. You know, I think Scott is even more mad at Alex for cheating with you than for cheating at all."

"Alex didn't cheat! And I was not his paramour!"

"Oh, right."


"Fine. Whatever you say. Listen, Mitch, I thought it went without saying, but you can tell me anything."

"You don't believe me."

"Am I supposed to? First Scott talks to me because he thinks Alex is cheating. Next Scott calls me because Alex literally told him he was cheating with you since February. Next I hear, Scott's a wreck and you're living with Alex. Mitch, you screwed up, but I still love you, okay?"

"I thought-"

"No. I put up with your nonsense because you needed me, not because I believed a word of it. So, now that that's established-"

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