45 | RPC

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RP/RPC: Role play/role play chat. Participants each pick a character and write that character's part of the story.
OOC: Out of character. Marks any comments from the author, not the character
IRL: In "real" life
Askdkskdiiejrnb;&:$1?2!!!: Exclamation of  intense fangirl excitement

> planes are boring somebody entertain me pls

This rat! I offered to tweet him, and he declined, and now here he is on his private account asking for entertainment.

+ Entertain yourself. No, wait, entertain /me/.

> Look who's back from the dead!! Have you heard the news?

+ ???

> Mitch. In a gondola. In Venice... with Scott. Askdkskdiiejrnb;&:$1?2!!!

+ Pics?

> Nobody got any :c Ugh, it's probably not even true, is it? I'm just a sad, desperate fangirl.

+ Even now? After three years?

> I know they're hopeless IRL, but the beautiful thing about shipping is that reality only matters when it's convenient.

Don't say that.

+ They're not hopeless. They're soulmates.

> Yeah, that's what I thought too.

+ Scott...

> Huh?

+ Nvm.

> I'm so confused.

+ We're not hopeless. We'll figure it out.

> Are you suggesting we lock them in a room together until they kiss?

+ Hold up, I'm not talking about that. We just need to be friends again.

> Idgi. Who's "we?"

Here goes.

+ Us. Scömìche.

> We're Scömìche? And I'm Scott? Lol, okay. Like a role play chat?

So much for revealing my secret identity. Another message pops up in my direct messages a moment later.

> I haven't done a RPC since Neopets. This is weird. In a cool way.
> Nostalgic.

What a nerd. This is gonna be interesting.

> What's the setting?

+ Pentatonix broke up recently. We're at the frat house.

> Okay. Scott comes home from the gym. He's shirtless and glistening with sweat.

+ OOC/ Are you kidding me??? I could be nine for all you know!

> Scott comes home from the gym. He's fully-clothed and kind of smelly.

+ Mitch smiles. "How's it going?" It's good to see Scott active. He just wants him to be happy again. He's not expecting much of a response, though.

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