31 | Jake

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If you ever wonder why I put all this English advice up here but then write like a 12 year old down there, it's because I write on my iPhone. So today's English advice, which I won't be following because I'm wrapped in fuzzy blankets in bed, is don't write on an iPhone.

My Twitter is @ptxxtp. Say hi!

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As if I haven't already cried enough for a lifetime, the curry is super spicy. I'm handling it alright, but Avi is going through it. "How are you eating this? Do you have any milk?"

"It's actually really delicious if you just ignore the way it slowly disintegrates your face. It's the best curry I could hope for without traveling to the ends of the earth." London, and, of course, India, might have better to offer, but this is as good as it's gonna get for me. "I have coconut milk, but I don't think that'll really do the trick. How about some ice cream?" Having given myself a tummy ache last time, I exercised moderation today and didn't eat the whole pint straight out of the container. I scoop some out for Avi, and he's a much happier man when he eats it. I wish it had the same effect on me. I keep eating my curry, and I let myself forget that my mouth is on fire.

"So really, Avi, how is the family? 'Good' isn't any kind of answer."

"I don't wanna sit here boring you with a million photos of my kids when you just broke up."

"Oh, don't worry, there's no way I'm letting you make me sit through that. I'm never on Facebook, though. Catch me up."

"Mika's first word was Mama. Mara's was dragon."

"Mama's girl and daddy's girl."

"It sure looks that way. Honestly, though, I'm not 100% certain it wasn't Mika who said 'dragon.' Don't tell Ebony that, though. She thinks she can tell them apart, but I know for a fact she mixes them up all the time."

"Her own children!"

"We call them Mikra when we're talking about both of them." Two sisters with one name, like Scömìche.

"How's Ebony?"

"She's still at Microsoft, but she's been thinking about finding a new job in the Valley. Her parents live here—the girls are with them now—so we'd be a lot closer than Seattle, and it'd be easier for me to get to L.A. to work on my next album."

"How's that coming? The EP wasn't long enough. I wanted it to last forever." Ouch. I accidentally just stabbed myself in the heart there. I keep doing that. All part of the process, I guess.

"My daughters are helping. Eighteen months, but they already like to play my guitar, by which I mean slap the strings with their destructive little Godzilla hands whenever they get close enough. I think I'm raising a couple of musicians. Can you imagine them singing together someday? Auntie Esther has already demanded to be their manager, and maybe Uncle Mitch will be their producer. What do you say?"

"Auntie Mitch is a bit preoccupied with being an actress."

"I missed your voice. I didn't know how much until you welcomed me in. It was really, really good hearing you sing with Scott. I'm glad you two are on better terms."

"Not so much."

"He seemed to think there was some hope."

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