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Guess who's still alive? I've just been extra busy moving across the country, getting a new job, having a fever, and losing my voice all at once. I'm getting better now, and my job seems great so far. These are crazy and exciting times.

Three of my stories are up for PTXFanficAwards. Over is nominated in the Milex category (😏), Rewound in sci-fi, and The Last Hunger Games in adaptations. I'll stick a quick reminder at the end of the chapter. :)

Writing advice: This is for fun. When you start doing this for a living, then you can start worrying about your audience, but as long as you're writing for free, your readers can take whatever you give them with gratitude or read something else. You never have to apologize for being "late," shipping the wrong ships, or writing something other than what one of your readers wanted. The only one who needs to approve of your story is you. No, scratch that. As long as you enjoy writing it, you don't even have to like how your own story turns out.

After mostly finishing unpacking, I run out for today's interview, which features exactly zero questions I haven't heard before, (which is good because my brain is more than a little preoccupied,) and then flop on my bed to unwind, only to awaken two hours later to a Twitter notification.

> At your service. Am I too late?

All I said was "Help." I wasn't actually expecting anyone to reply to my tweet. Who does that? A few people favorited it, hopefully because they commiserate, not because they're spiteful, but only Scott replied. Wait, which is worse? Being miserable or spiteful? Probably miserable?

+ Nope, nobody's rescued me yet. I'll DM you.

How much can I say before he catches on? I kind of hope he does figure it out eventually. It feels weird keeping it secret. And the fact that Scott is offering me help... It's just been so long since I've been able to ask my best friend for advice.

+ Okay, there's this guy. He loves me; I like him.

> And?


> Oh. You give it a shot, and you just let him know where you're at.

It's not quite that simple.

+ What if I hurt him? What if HE leaves because he realizes I'm not as invested?

> You just have to be honest from the get go. But if you can't tell him things, that's a red flag.

+ We never seem to be quite on the same page, but it's both our faults.

> He sounds like a lot of work. If this is just a crush, you might wanna consider cutting your losses. Is he even worth the trouble?

+ I would eat liver pâté for this man.

> Not if you knew what it tastes like.

+ Oh, I do. It's like congealed vomit, but I'd eat the whole can if it would help.

> That sounds serious. Just what else would you do for him?

+ Idk, give up my limbs? Donate a kidney or two? We go way back.

> Honey, no crush is worth both kidneys.

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