16 | Talk

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Mitch is safe and free. The last chapter was for April Fools' Day. On with the show.

Every time you leave a comment, Mitch smiles in real life. You know what to do.

"And I need you, Scott, but it's not that simple." I need Alex, and Alex needs me.

"No," he rebukes.


"You don't need me."

"This is stupid. I do need you, but it remains to be determined whether we mean it in the same way." Arguing over the meanings of words gets us nowhere at all. "Maybe you mean, 'I need you like I need water,' or maybe you mean, 'I need you like I need a bullet to the head.'"

"You're good at this," he says grudgingly. "Getting to the heart of things. There can never be a petty argument with you." I hate hearing "always," "never," or other absolutes in a fight. Are we fighting already?

"I don't want to argue. Alex told me he lied, and I came to tell you. That's all. But you already know." I misjudged Alex.

"He only just told you?"

"Really? You're gonna rub it in? Do you realize what kind of a day I'm having? Let me tell you. I just found out that my boyfriend of several years, whom I had every reason to believe was perfect in every way, used me against my own best friend, my best friend, his boyfriend of several years, the one person he should have held most dear and protected above all others, the most important person, mind you, in my entire universe; that he told you he cheated on you, told you he cheated with your best friend, with me; that he told you it had gone on for months behind your back, that both of us had been lying to you, that both of us, the two people closer to you than anyone else, were treating you like dirt, lying to you perpetually, betraying you again and again, for what?" I'm sitting here complaining to him about how his unhappiness is ruining my day. How messed up is that? "Scott, I wouldn't. But he said–How could he? How? What could you possibly have done to him to justify–But it's not your fault, it's not, I just can't understand how he could say that to you and then, for years, because he knew you'd tell me if he told you, because he was ashamed, he kept it in, he–Scott, how am I gonna go back to him?" The thought of him crying alone at home is twisting my stomach into knots, but I can't reconcile it with the thought of him lying to Scott and lying to me, splitting us apart so he could have me. But it wasn't that, was it? He split us apart for my sake, because it wasn't good for me to be with Scott. But there was still a conflict of interests, and he knew it. "He shattered you, and he let me bleed on your sharp edges until I ran into his waiting arms, and Scott, he hurt you. He let you think it was your fault. How can I go back? Am I crazy?"

"Stop. Just don't. I want to believe you so bad, Mitch."

"Then do! Why would Alex tell you, tell me after all this time if it weren't true? I've been telling you for years. Scott, you know I couldn't."

"Why are you doing this?" He sounds so hurt, lost, angry. "If you think that you're helping by lying to me... Mitch, I can't just believe you."

"Why not? Why not? Scott, it's true. Why can't you believe me?" It's taking everything in me not to shout. It's not really his fault he can't believe me. I have to persuade him somehow, but I don't even know if it's possible. Haven't I tried everything?

I haven't tried leaving Alex.

"Because you're too good at acting. Because you have every reason to hate me. Because he's hot, and you're hot, and he's perfect, and you're perfect. Because I don't deserve either of you. Because I made you both feel lonely. Because you're with Alex. Because I can't lie to myself... Because I heard your name in his sleep too many times for too long."

"Oh. Scott..." He could have confronted me. He could have kicked me out. But he didn't. No, even after Alex told him, Scott didn't send me away. "I don't know what to say."

"Tell me the truth. Say you're sorry. Just please stop lying."

"I can't. I'm not."

"Don't be afraid," he says softly. "We can be together again." He slips his hand into mine, palm to palm, and his face blossoms open into a portrait of vulnerability. "We can be anything you want."

"I want to."

"It's okay. You can do it."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"I'll be okay. I'll be better. We'll be better."

I want that. More than anything. "Please."

"Say it, Mitch."

"Would it make it easier for you?" I'm honestly considering it. He nods. "Could you forgive me for that?"

"For everything."

"Everything... I want to."

"Mitch, please."

"It wouldn't be true."

"What are you doing?"

"I would do anything to myself to get you back. But I can't do that to Alex." Isn't that what he did to me, though?

"He already admitted it to me. This is your choice."

"We're not lying to make you feel better. We're not making up some elaborate... just, no."

"You don't have to hide anything from me. It's my fault."

"It's not your fault."

"I don't blame you, Mitch. He's irresistible."


"He's funny, he's sweet, he's built like a statue. You're already talking about going back to him."

"Do you really think so little of me?"

"I don't blame you. Please, just—"

"No. You want me to tell you he seduced me? He didn't. He didn't even try. Did you say the same things to him about me?"


"My conscience isn't clear, Scott, but if I had betrayed you like that, I wouldn't be able to stand in your presence ever again. Look, Scott. Look me in the eyes. Nobody cheated. I love you too much."

"You don't love me."

"I never stopped loving you."

"Then you never started."

I stand. This is futile. "I'll think about what you've said. Please think about what I've said. Pick up the phone next time, okay?"

"Don't go."

"I have to." Alex needs me.

"I need you."

I hesitate. And then I sit. I'm not leaving him again.

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