64 | Nuptials

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Either one is fine.
Either the cat goes or I do.
Neither one is fine.
Me neither
Neither here nor there

I appreciate your comments!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, where do you think you're going, young man?"


"I did not come to your apartment for the ambiance, Mitchell. Sit your skinny butt down in this chair right now. First of all, I don't work for you, so if you want an appointment at City Hall, you can book it yourself or just wait in line. Second, why are you freaking out? Do you not want Scott to be done with all this? He may not be there yet, but when the time comes, he'll be ready. It's a big step. It's a good thing."

"Good? Good? He's barely thirty! All this is temporary." I should probably let her cling to the pathetic consolation that he won't suffer anymore when he's dead, but Esther's feelings aren't really on the top of my mind right now. This can't be happening.

"What the—Wait a minute. Waaait a minute. Oh-ho-ho, I am never letting you live this down. City Hall? Seriously? Mitch, you weren't trying to marry him, were you? Because if you did, you'd be stuck with him a good, long time. His great grandmother is still alive, you know. He's probably gonna be a centennial."

What? Then why— "I'm going to kill you."

"I wasn't trying to make it sound like he was dying! You have only your overactive imagination to blame for that."

"You literally said he only has four months left."

"Four months of treatment, after which they're dropping the meds and therapy to see if he can go without."

"I'm going to bury you alive."

"You're an idiot. But can we talk about the last-second nuptial arrangements?"

"No," I groan. "Absolutely not."

"It's kind of sweet."

"Shut up."

"Touching, really. Here comes the bride... Okay, but dying? Really?"

"I get it, I'm an idiot."

"No, I'm genuinely curious how you came to that conclusion."

"It makes sense!"

"Uh, nope, not really."

"People push people away when they get sick. I mean, he's not doing that now, but it could have been because he didn't want things to end so badly. And sickness could have been related to his other problems. Don't look at me like that; it fits!"

"If you say so."

"Some diseases come with really high rates of depression. And it would explain why he's worked so hard, if he knew he only had a little more time. You can't just talk about remission and relapsing and sickness, then tell me his doctors say he only has four months left!"

"Even if he were dying, what's up with the City Hall? You weren't like, 'Hmmm, maybe that's worth considering.' No, it took you literally zero seconds to demand an appointment. Were you gonna propose, or were you just going to drag him there, stick a pen in his hand, and tell him to sign on the dotted line? Were you even going to invite me?"

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