Chapter 19

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Chris had left after Luke entered the room, probably to get my bags and clothes from his house... And to clean the tub... Oh I'm so sorry.

Luke moves closer while Kita and Ashton move away and Kita takes out her phone to record his reaction.

Ashton looks like he's calling someone and I only notice it's his mom when he say's 'Hi mom,' causing my gaze to drift toward Luke again. And this time he stands right next to me and looks down at the baby.

I lift Lucian up and hand him to Luke who mumbles, "He's so small..." causing Lizzy to move behind Calum with constipation as she starts laughing silently, causing Calum to close his eyes tight as he stiffly laughs along with her, or at her. Doesn't matter.

Lin went and sat on Michael's lap, who had sat on the chair again while the nurses say that they're letting me be able to be signed out in 5 minutes.

"The contract has been terminated and Luke is free from the she-beast... You are welcome," Symone says and exits the room, probably to wait in the van she brought for us.

"What do we do now?" Michael pipes up, causing mosly everyone's gaze to fall on him, "It's not like we could hide this guys... What do we do?" he asks kind of on edge.

"Christ I didn't think of that," Calum says and wipes his face off again, "We're either going to get so much hate, loose fans or start world war 3. This could get really ugly, really fast," Calum continues.

"I could say that I adopted him... Or that I don't know who the father is... If you guys don't want to be involved it's settled, you won't be involved," I say, causing Luke's gaze to snap to mine, "That's not what he means Hales, we want to be a part of your lives," Luke says and turns to Ashton, "Call management and ask them for advice and how not to get hate on this," Luke tells Ash.

"Fuck that shit, I'm asking Symone," he says and rushes out of the room, returning 10 minutes later with Symone, who was holding my bags and some material in her hands, "A gift from a nurse for the baby," she says awkwardly and throws it on the bed while putting my bags next to Michael's feet.

"I suggest... Uh... For once I have no idea," she turns to Kita, "Brainstorm with me," she says and she and Kita start talking in the corner of the room while Luke hands me a now sleeping Lucian.

Luke bends down and places a kiss on my cheek, making a stray tear fall from my face, "Are you sure you want to do this...? You don't have to..." I tell him, causing him to smile, "My mom raised a man, not a wimp," he says making me chuckle.

Symone and Kita return with their best business faces, "So the best we could come up with is a big announcement and for you two to act normal, just like you would if everything was fine, don't hide anything and don't look guilty. Stay at home, don't draw much attention. Look happy. Tweet that you and Arzaylea broke up because you finally saw through her and that there's a big surprize going to happen," Symone's phone then starts ringing, causing her to hold up a finger.

She talks for a few until she says thank you and hangs up, "Your management is colliding with ours for this and is hiring writers and publishers to talk to you guys to explain everything and make it sound like some fairy-tale miracle from god or some shit. Just don't show Lucian to anyone and drop hints like going into a baby store and buying something small and when people ask questions answer with 'It's a surprize,' and s friendly smug smile... Now here comes the hard part... she needs a ring to make it look sealed," Symone says seriously, causing both Luke and I to look at her wide eyed while the colour drains my face.

"Seems like a good plan up until the ring part..." Calum says with a bored expression. "But Luke and Hayley are practically soulmates so it won't be that bad, I mean for the sake of the baby," Ashton says looking at Michael, "I agree with Ashton, it's good for both them and the baby. Plus, it would stop Hayley from running away all the time," Michael says in a joking matter, causing Calum to shut his eyes and shake his head in annoyance.

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