Chapter 20

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Hayley's POV

So the fans found out eventually, in other words; rumour spread that we would be at the airport with 5SOS, heading to Australia because of complications.

The fans also added up the time we were hiding Kita's pregnancy and my disappearance to the fact that I was pregnant with Luke's baby at the same time and was hiding it from everyone, so they're not mad at me, but our fans are kinda out for Luke's blood, mainly our male fans.

We're on our way to Australia now and Luke is ecstatic, mainly about having a family and a son that being mauled by our metal mosh pit fans I would say.

So far the world is in shock about the surprized baby, as well as us. Apparently even non fans are talking about how this hard-core rock chick has a kid with a pop star, which of course got Michael mad and now he wouldn't put down the bloody magazine because of stubbornness.

"Pop star?!" Michael whisper yells still aggravated, "I know they're talking about Luke, but he's in our band, not some pop band! It's not our fault he's a Ken doll froufrou pants!" he whispers yells again, causing me to giggle.

Luca also makes a gurgling noise that sounds an awful lot like giggling, but Ashton is convinced that he's too young to know how to giggle, so he's only imitating me. I'd like to tell him what's what, Luca can giggle or else how would he have giggled at Calum without hearing me giggle first. Eat that smarty pants!

Luke pulls him to his chest while 'aweing,' that little cutie pie is just like me... I really hope he has Luke's math skills though; I don't want his to get bullied at school like I was when I was little.


"Meg- ek bedoel Hayley jy kan nie aanhou druip soos hierdie nie. Wiskunde is 'n baie belangrike vak, as jy aanhou druip, sal jy teruggehou word. Jy kan nie dit aanhou blameer op jou disleksie nie," (Meg- I mean Hayley you can't keep failing like this. Math is a really important subject, if you continue failing, you'll be held back. You can't keep blaming your dyslexia) my math teacher Mr van Wyk told me.

"Ja Meneer ek verstaan​​, ek is net nie goed in wiskunde nie..." (Yes Sir I understand, I'm just not good at math...) I tell him and walk out of the class, only to find Marnus, Shaun, Christopher and Dewald waiting outside smirking. We're in 6th grade for pity sakes! Can't they grow up?!

"Shamepies dis die disleksiese freak teef. Jy hou mos van werewolves, maak dit jou dan een ook? 'n Teef?" (Shame it's the dyslexic freak bitch. You like werewolves right, does that make you one as well? A bitch?) Marnus asks.

"Nee maar dit maak jou 'n son of a bitch," (No but that makes you a son of a bitch) shocked at my words I cover my mouth, while their faces consort into scowls.

Marnus takes a threatening step towards me, while Dewald and Christopher hold him back, "Nie hier nie, is jy besimpeld? Dis reg langs Mineer van Wyk se klas jou aap!" (Not here, are you crazy? It's right next to Mr van Wyk's classroom, you ape!) Dewald tells him irritated.

Shaun walk up to me threateningly, "Moet vir niemand van dié vertel nie, anders sal dit 10 keer harder wees volgende keer," (Don't tell anyone, or else this would be 10 times harder next time) Shaun tells me and then punches me in the face.

*Flashback over*

"Hayley? What do I do?" Luke asks panicked over Lucian's crying . I take Luca from him and shush him while putting his head to my chest and letting him hear my heart beat, calming him down instantly.

"How'd you do that?" Luke asks confused and amazed. "He needs to hear your heartbeat to calm down," I tell him and kiss Luca's forehead.

I feel a finger wipe something from under my eye and look up to Luke's concerned face, but before he could speak, the planes intercom interrupts and tells us we're going to land soon.

I look back down at Luca, only to have him stare back up at me with his big blue mesmerized eyes that had caught something with his eye on my face.

He brings up his little hand and touches my cheek and looks down at his little hand that has my old tear drop on it.

He opens and closes his hands in fascination and then looks back up at me, making a squeak noise. I sniff and giggle, letting another tear fall, causing him to squeak again.

These actions caused Luke to squeak laugh as well, making Luca look at him startled with his big blue eyes. His facial expression resembles someone seeing a monster or something.

I giggle, taking Luca's attention off of Luke and onto me, causing him to try and smile, but he only opens his mouth as wide as possible and bares his gums.

Kita's head pops in between our seats only to let out some retarded sound as she looks at Luca as if he were a naked cat, causing Luca to let out a retarded gurgle, that we call his laugh.

Kita scoffs, "I know I look like a clown! My hair is all curly and frizzy and I practically have and massive afro AGAIN! But DO NOT LAUGH AT ME!" she whisper-yells at him, causing him to continue gurgling his retarded laugh and falling backwards on my hands.

Kita's face falls as she glares at him and then turns to me, "We'll be landing in," she looks at her watch, "10 seconds," she says and buckles herself back up.

I hold Luca tight to my chest, while Luke holds his left arm over us both in instinct I guess.

When we exit the plane we were so thankful that we were in Australia and NOT LA. First off, it was quiet, second off, it was calming and third off, it smelt like home.

The minute we got our bags and stepped foot out of the luggage area, Luca was being taken from my arms... from my dad!

"Anne was cooing over his shoulder at Luca, causing him to gurgle, while my dad was lecturing Luke and I.

"Daddy! We get it! Please can I have my baby and please can we go home...?" I ask exhausted. "Oh, yes, but first I have to get my revenge on Lucas for impregnating my daughter, in fact my ONLY daughter. Behold the wrath of my newest companion... Liz..." my father says, causing the guys to laugh and Luke to try bolt for it.

My dad steps out of Liz's way, which had covered her entire body, since she was short. "No! I beheld her wrath since I was born!" Luke exclaims, but gets picked up by Ashton and placed in front of his mother, and to be honest, this is the first sign of fetus Luke since... the Thing.

I take Luca from my dad and Anne and walk up to Liz, right after she continuously hit Luke about 50 times and then right through the face, "Mrs Hemmings...?"

She turns around unfazed with arched eyebrows and a smile. "Do you want to meet your grandson?" I ask, making her eyes dart to Luca.

She makes a girly squeal and takes Luca from me. I tell her his name while Luke walks around his mother and stands behinds me while holding my hips and putting his head against mine.

"We are going to be great parents," he whispers in my ear. I really hope so...

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