Chapter 1

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Hayley's POV

The Beginning

"Lizzy... Next time you decide to steal a fucking Limo... At least get away from the fucking police!" Lin yelled at Lizzy who was sitting on the floor by the bars of our holding cell at the police station, repeatedly rattling a metal cup against the bars to annoy the police officer.

"Would have gotten away if Hayley wasn't screaming bloody murder in the back seat!" Lizzy yells back at Lin, distracting her from annoying the policeman, who had gotten up and snatched the medal contraption from her grasp while she was yelling at Lin.

I on the other hand was sitting in the corner of the cell, on the floor bawling my eyes out. I'm only 15! I shouldn't even be here! I didn't even do anything!

"Hey! Give it back!" Lizzy yelled at the annoyed looking police man. "You'll get it back when you're thirsty or need water," the police man mumbles and sits back on his chair.

"I am thirsty! Thirsty for your blood! Let us go you stupid lump of doughnut!" she yelled at him, making him turn red and turn away from us.

I feel a hand on my back and look up at Kita who was looking at me worryingly. "Did you get hurt?" she asks sympathetically. I look up to reveal the small bruised cut on my head when my head hit the limo's window. The window was bulletproof and couldn't break so all the impact went to my head.

Kita quickly got up and went to the bars. "Lionel! Can I please have a cup of water and toilet paper?!" she yelled at him. It was quite amusing how startled he was when her voice boomed at him, but it was more amusing when he scurried off to do as she told him.

Kita looked back at our confused faces, "Oh he tried to arrest me a bunch of times but he's scared off me now, because I threatened to make a voodoo doll of him. I keep an extra lock of his nasty hair in my boot," she says wiggling her right foot at us.

"Ew..." Lizzy comments, while looking at the boot that was currently wiggling in her face. Kita puts her foot down when he returns with what she asked for and she continued towards me.

She sits down next to me and dabs the blood away from my wound with the toilet paper before dipping it in the water and cleaning it fully afterwards. Lizzy's blue eyes widen before she scrambles to her feet and scurries over to me.

"Fucking shit, Hales! I'm so sorry! No wonder you were yelling like a bloody banshee being raped in the backseat! I would too! I mean look at the size off that thing!" she exclaims, causing me to winch. It isn't that bad is it...?

"Shut up Lez! Can't you see she's in pain! She probably got a concussion!" Lin yelled at her. Lizzy turns around sharply "Don't call me that! And if she has a concussion then why are you yelling, dumbfuck!" Lizzy replies loudly.

"I'm not yelling, you are!" Lin continues to yell at her, which slowly starts to become more growling then yelling.

"Just because you're growling, doesn't mean you're not yelling!" Lizzy yells back at her. "That's it!" Lin growls and jumps Lizzy, while Kita watches with an annoyed expression.

5 minutes later when the fight gets too heated, Kita finally gets up and rubs her hands together and dusts off her pants, followed by her cracking her fingers and stretching before she grabs both girls by the scruff and lifting them to their feet.

"Both of you are yelling and both of you are dumbfucks, so if you'd please SHUT UP!" Kita says calmly before the last part when she quickly yells and drops both of them.

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