Chapter 24- His Father

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"Laurance! Laurance, wait up!"

I was on my usual patrol around Phoenix Drop when I noticed Laurance storming off in a hurry, and I was trying to catch up with him.

"Just leave me alone Amethyst!"

I stopped in my tracks.

Laurance has never spoken to me like that...

Did I do something wrong?

"Laurance!" I called after him once again.

He finally stopped once he had reached the end of the unfinished road leading towards the village Meteli.

"Laurance!" I panted.

He kept his back turned and continued to ignore me.

I crossed my arms, "Laurance! Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on with you?"

"Maybe, I just don't want to tell you, because it's none of your damn business!"

Mother of Irene! Why does he have to be so damn stubborn?!?

I threw up my hands in exasperation, "I don't want to fight with you Laurance! Just please tell me what's going on!"


I sighed, "Laurance, I care about you, so please... Please... Talk to me..."

"I'm sorry Am, I just... "

He turned around, his eyes full of grief, and he lowered his head.

"Do you remember Hayden?"

I found had out that Laurance and the orange haired woman Cadenza were related. Ever since, I've heard quite a bit about their adoptive father, Hayden.

"Yes, of course." I replied.



"...He's dead..."


I gasped, "What?"

"C-Cadenza..." Laurance stammered, "Cadenza just received word that Hayden was assassinated."

I rested my hand on his shoulder, pulling him closer to me.

"My Irene Laurance, I'm so sorry... I understand that he was incredibly important you... Even if I never met him, I know he must have been a good man."

He balled his fists, "I just don't understand, where was his guard when this happened?!? How could he have let this happen?!?"

"Laurance, not all guards are going to be as skilled as you. Maybe Hayden's guard is fresh out of training or something-"

"He had one job! He couldn't even protect the life of a single person!"

"Laurance calm down! It may not be his fault."

He ignored me, "Or maybe it was Katelyn, I know you trust her but maybe she-"


He exhaled, "I'm sorry..."

I mustered a small smile, "It's alright Laurance, I understand that you're upset. But you shouldn't just jump to conclusions."

"I know..."

"Hey Laurance, Am." 

Laurance and I both turned to see Aphmau. I bowed my head slightly to acknowledge her presence.

"Aphmau, where's Cadenza?" Laurance asked.

Aphmau pulled out a golden lasso and both Laurance and I immediately understood.

"I see... I don't blame her. Are you ready to go? Did you see Levin and Malachi before you came here? If not, you should."

"I've already seen them." Aphmau answered.

Laurance nodded, "All right, let's go... to Meteli. If you keep going straight there's a path that can take you to the village. I'll follow you my Lord. If you need guidance, ask me."

"All right, let's get going," Aphmau agreed, "Amethyst-"

I held up my hand to stop her, "No need my Lord, I'll remain here and keep watch over the village."

Aphmau smiled, "Thanks Am. Laurance, c'mon, let's go."

Laurance turned to me, "Hey Am?"

"Yeah Laurance?"

"Thanks for putting up with me."

I shrugged, "It's no problem, now go, do what you have to do."

As I watched them leave, I silently thought to myself.

"I wish I could tell him how I felt..."

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