Chapter 9- A New Start?

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I had no clue as to where the guard had come from, but what I did know was that I had a sword to my neck for a SECOND time.


And that my head was about to severed from my body.

I just have the BEST luck.

But all of a sudden I heard a furious grunt...


Two male figures took out the guard faster than I could blink. I almost felt sorry for that guard...

NOT :)

"Am, are you okay?" Despite the darkness, I knew right away that it was my brother.

Thank Irene.

"Do you need a hand?" A hand stretched out towards me, but wasn't Dante's.

It was Laurence's.


And he had seen me get my butt kicked by an O'Khasis guard.

Double crap.

"I'm fine."

"Heh, sure. Now you are." Laurence smirked.

If I could shoot arrows with my eyes, Laurence would be dead right now.

But I feel like he could possibly face execution 15 years future, so I'm gonna hold off on killing him.

For now.

I glared at Laurence, imagining how many metaphorical arrows I could shoot with my eyeballs.

He held up his hands as if he was surrendering, "I MEAN YOU ARE VERY STRONG AND POWERFUL AND PLEASE DON'T MURDER MY FACE!!"


As I got up, Dante began scanning the area as if he were looking for something, "We should probably meet up with Garroth. It's getting dark."

Laurence, being Laurence, began to argue, "Since when were you in char-"

"It doesn't matter. We have a job to do. Remember? We're supposed to be creating a distraction for Lady Aphmau and speaking of which, what are you even doing here anyway, Laurence?"

"I did my part. I led the guards away from the inn Aphmau was staying at, and didn't get my butt handed to me by O'Khasis guards."

I ignored the thoughts I had pertaining to murdering Laurence and took a deep breath, "Touche."

But when you get taken out by an evil Meif'wa 15 years in the future, don't expect me to come running to help you.

~Time Skip~

"You should ask her." We were back at Lucinda's place once Aphmau had retrieved the Lords of Brightport and Pikoro Village. Lord Luke of Pikoro had finally awoken and agreed to join the Phoenix Alliance Aphmau was creating. Azura, head guard of Brightport, had just left with a Lord Burt still in a coma-like state when Dante proposed that I ask Aphmau to become a member of the Guard of Phoenix Drop.

"Do you really think she'll accept?"

"It wouldn't hurt to ask her."

"I don't know..." The last time I tried to start anew, well, let's just say... Things didn't end well. At all.

"Just ask her, what's the worst that could happen? I mean you've better taken control of your... condition..."

I can't believe he's STILL calling them that. They're called MAGICKS. They're not a medical condition. I thought we had settled on this matter two years ago-

As if on cue, Aphmau showed up, "Hey! Dante, Amethyst! Are you ready to go?"

"Actually, Lord Aphmau, Amethyst wanted to ask you something." Dante nudged me.

"Oh really? Um sooooo, what did you want to ask me."

You can do this Amethyst.

"W-well I was wondering if you know I could maybe, I mean if you wouldn't mind, and since Dante is your guard now and you're heading back to Phoenix Drop, if you would at least consider-"

Scratch that. You CAN'T do this Amethyst.

"AM WANTS TO KNOW IF SHE CAN JOIN THE GUARD OF PHOENIX DROP!" Dante blurted out. I nodded in agreement and mouthed a "Thank you" to him.

Aphmau gave me a warm smile.

She's probably thinking about how to politely decline my request...

Wouldn't be the first time I was rejected...

"Welcome to the Guard of Phoenix Drop, Amethyst."

Wait what?


"I was actually going to ask you to join the guard Am. And since Dante is already a member, I didn't want you guys to be apart. AND, anyone who can hand Laurence's butt to him is someone who I consider to be an excellent choice for an ally." She laughed.

Heh... She heard about that? Oops.

I scratched the back of my head, "Heh... Oh yeah... Sorry about that..."

She put a hand on my shoulder.

Her hand almost touched the... Scar...

"Hey! It's about time someone showed Laurence whose in charge. In any case, we'll be leaving soon. Are you ready?"

Dante nodded, "We're ready, right Am?"


A new start that may not go up in flames... Literally...

A chance that I've been waiting for...

And now I had my brother, my partner in crime, by my side...

"As ready as I'll ever be."

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