Chapter 37- For the Land I Love

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"I, am Lord Aphmau, of Phoenix Drop. With me, are the noble leaders of the villages present here today."

"Hayden, of Meteli."

"Azura, guard and substitute Lord for Bright Port."

"Bodolf, Alpha of the Wolf Tribe."

"And Luke, Lord of Pikoro Village."

I, along with my fellow guards, and those of the other villages, stood side by side, as we listened to Aphmau's speech.

Aphmau informed us of our plans of attack and defense for the upcoming war.

Usually during long speeches, I have a tendency to tune out a little bit, so it was quite remarkable that I was able to remain focused throughout the entire oration.

Although, it was probably because Dante kept nudging me throughout the course of the speech.

Ah, you know me so well, my dear brother.

"For years, we've stood our ground, but with the formation of the Phoenix Alliance, we stand together as one. This will be the first battle we fight as brothers, and sisters. And for that, I want to thank you... I want to thank you all, for being here no matter what. Know Phoenix Drop, will never forget your bravery this day. The lords and I, have devised a plan of defense. But we also have a plan of attack. We are going to defend the walls as much as possible. However, there is a chance that our defense, won't last long to Scaleswind. In which case, we will switch to offensive tactics. Azura, and the head guards of villages, will being going through a battle strategy with you tonight. Please, when you can, find the means to sleep. Scaleswind, along with the aid of O'Khasis, will be more of a challenge to fight. But together, we can end this rein of fear, from their armies!"

Aphmau handed the responsibility of constructing battle strategies over Azura, as Aphmau left the stage, Azura took charge of the meeting, going into greater detail of our plans for battle.

I glanced behind me, spotting Garroth.

He seemed so out of it, as if he could care less about what was about to unfold.

Does he really not care?

In a matter of hours, the armies of Scaleswind and O'Khasis are going to be at our doors and Garroth doesn't give an f?

That doesn't seem like the Garroth I know.

Something's up.

I can feel it.

But what can I do?

The Next Day...

"Dante... You need to go and get Aphmau... Right. Now." Laurance ordered.

The moment had arrived. Scaleswind, along with O'Khasis, were right outside the gates of Phoenix Drop.

Dante dashed off to alert Aphmau, while Laurance and I remained on top of the walls.

"I can't believe this is happening..." I whispered.

I looked down to see an incredibly large number of soldiers, from both Scaleswind and O'Khasis.

"Don't worry, we'll get through this." Laurance reassured me.

A short while later, Dante returned, with Aphmau not too far behind him.

Once she arrived, the Lord of Scaleswind proceeded to threaten us, stating that this was our last chance to, "hand over Nicole".

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