chapter 5

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Once we cleaned and freshened the house they made us shower together while they watched. It was a quick shower because none of us like their eyes on us. I shielded the others as much as I could. I didn't like the feel.of their eyes either but I am the only one not getting the full effect of what they are doing.

Once showered we cooked but could not eat. They wanted the house to smell good and not like the morning of hell like it has been. Once dinner was made we was put back in our cages. My wall was placed over my cage and I was set for a long night of darkness.

I miss my momma, I miss the Alpha and Luna and I miss my room. My room was my security. My room was where I could relax, dream and be me.

I was woke by the sound of the front door opening and closing quietly. If I wasn't close I could have never heard it. I heard low whispers but again nothing loud enough to make out. I couldn't smell anything because of the stupid wall but I don't think whoever just walked in the door is anyone who is living here.

Goddess I hope they are not killing my friends in their sleep. I wish I could see what was happening. The voices stopped I could feel whoever it was close but I couldn't hear them not even a foot step. I was sweating and shaking but my wolf was at easy and that is what scared me most. Was I turning feral already? Did he give up? Oh Goddess help us.

I didn't sleep, my head was pounding and my body was exhausted. I don't know what time it was or if it was even close to time to get up but I knew something big was going to happen today. Not only was it the feeling in the air, the full moon tonight but the Alphas would be home tonight. Something big was going to her happen. Life changing big. I could feel it in my bones.

I don't know how long I sat in the corner of the cage shivering but soon I heard movement in the house. No voices just movement they wasn't close but I could hear them moving.

"What hell man?" Someone yelled and then I heard a growl. I started shaking worse and tried to make myself smaller.

"Hell yeah, your home." Hunter yelled happily.

"Shut the fuck up. Explain to me why the fuck is this omega in a cage wearing nothing but rags and a jock?" The voice asked making my wolf purr. Stupid wolf.

"He's one of our slaves." Henry said like it was no big deal.

"One of your slaves. So we keep omega's as slaves now, do we? You hear that Bran, we have slaves." I'm guess it was Bain said.

"So how many "slaves" are there and what have you been using them for?" Bran asked.

"Sex, cleaning and cooking." Kluss said.

"So rape. You've raped these omega's?" Bain asked.

"So." Pauly said chucking.

"Not all of them, the breeder is one of them. We just have him yank us off." Hunter said sound like it was he was explaining the weather.

"Coledee's here, I thought I smelled him. Mom said he was our omega. And where is he?" Bain asked.

"Henry said since he lived with your parents we would have to hide him so we built his wall and covered his cage." Hunter said right out side my box I was scared and shaking but my wolf was calm.

The wall slowly lifted and I squeezed my eyes tightly shut. I couldn't face my childhood best friends/bullies. I was embressed and ashamed. I felt used and drained and wanted to curl up in the corner of my cage and die. But a calming smell hit me as soon as the box was lifted and my wolf purred with contentment and fulfillment. MATES.
That word screamed inside my head.

"Get him out of that cage NOW." Bain yelled.

"Want your turn? Careful he might get pregnant he's a breeder." Henry said laughing. His laughter cut off due to Bran's hand around his throat.

"GET HIM OUT." Bain yelled making Kluss jump and take the keys from his pocket. I was shivering and I coward in the corner even more once the cage door was open.

"Come out, Coley. They won't hurt you, baby." Bran said softly while still holding a now blue Henry by his throat.

"Come on baby, come out." Bain said bending down to looking inside the door. I slowly inched towards the door I was afraid of what was going to happen. One if not both of the Alphas is my mate but that doesn't seem to matter to anyone in this house but Conrad and Dellus , they called me by my childhood nickname and seem mad as fuck about what's been happening in this house.

"That's it Coley, we're not going to let anyone touch you ever again." Bain said as his brother helped me out. The spars flew across my body causing me to shiver.

"I don't understand. Why can't we touch him anymore. That's not fair. Hunter and Henry share Asher and he's their mate. Plus we split Dellus anymore nondescript Conrad up anymorendndnd are forcing them to break their bond. Even if he was your mate he's not Luna martial. He's an omega. And he's a he there is no fags that hold the Alpha title." Pauly said

"Shut the fuck up dumb ass, I don't think Henry was right about the Alphas being okay with this."Kluss snapped.

"What ever gave that away? You four sit and don't fucking move. Bain take him to our room and help him get cleaned up." Bran said handing me off to Bain just aways the front door opened revealing the Alpha and Beta. They didn't look happy but I didn't care sparks flew. Twin mates, great.

Bain carried me to the third floor and into a giant room. He set me on the edge of the couch before going into the bathroom to start running water. I flinched when he touched my shoulder but followed him anyways. He was my mate and if my mate chose to abuse me I would take it. Because my wolf was already in love with his mates it was just the human part of me that didn't trust and wanted to run.

"I don't even know where to begin on say how wrong this has all been or how sorry we are it happened. And I know you probably hate us for how we treated you when we was younger. But trust me Coley we've grown up and have matured a great deal. We don't like the brat we were back then and had all intentions on making it up to you mate or not when we came home." Bain whispered as he undressed my stiff shaking body. I closed my eyes not wanting to see him look at me.

A gasp left my lips as I was lifted and water hit my body. Warm soothing water but I went ridged as soon as my back connected with his chest. My breathing picked up sparks erupted and a moan left my unwilling lips.

"Calm babe, I'm not going to hurt you. I want you to relax." He said and his words did just that they relaxed me I never once opened my eyes. I just relaxed.

I briefly felt the water leave from around my body. I was gently lifted and carried and placed on a soft surface before my world was completely black.

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