chapter 6

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So the last couple pictures posted I personally took.. I know I know I'm awesome. Thanks babe's you all dolls.. now back to the story and for the first time someone else's pov or maybe a couple different ones.

Bran's pov

To say I was pissed was an understatement. I didn't even know how to think straight right now that's why I called my dad. My mate along with three other have been raped and abused for a week now. Mates separated, mates abusing mates. What the fuck is going on?

"I don't understand. I thought you would be okay with this." Henry said once he could breath again. His voice was scratchy.

"What the hell ever made you think we would ever be okay with this?" I demanded.

"You use to pick on beat up the breeder when we was younger. So we figured when you took over the Omega's were free game to abuse and have fun with." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Is this true? Did you abuse Coledee?" My dad demanded making me flinch.

"Yes, sir. We did and I'm not proud of it. He was different and we thought it was okay to treat him like it. And I am so fucking sorry we did. He's our mate and we abused him. We allowed him to be abused and I hate myself for it." I said tears freely leaving my eyes. I don't care what anyone things about an Alpha crying.

"I will deal with you and your brother later. As for you four your under pack arrest and will be tried for the abuse and sexual assault of four omega's. For separating and trying to force a bond to break and for lying to your Alpha. You all signed a contract and you all heard the laws and you all chose to break them. You are all stripped of your future titles until the concil has decided your fates. Beta Arnaud please take them to the prison and lock them up." Dad said.

"Wait we have a mate. It's Asher." Hunter said crying.

"I Asher Zinn Caltms reject you Hunter James Feather and Henry James feather as my mates. I can not be with anyone who thinks it's okay to rape other, allow others to rape their mate and to hold people against their will just for your own pleasure. I would rather die then to be paired to you two." Asher said in a tired but strong voice. Hunter and Henry both cried out in pain as the rejection started. It's painful and some don't survive.

"Who will be beta, thata and delta?" Kluss asked looking crushed.

"That will be up to the Council." Dad said.

Beta Arnaud took the four dead beats out of sight and the pack doctor came in with her nurse.

"Please check these three before going upand checking on Coledee." Dad said to the doctor.

"Yes, Alpha." Doctor Hanna said as she walked towards the three trembling omega's.

"I don't want an excuses as to why you treated Cody like you and yor brother did. You wasn't raised that way and you wasn't miss treated or anything at home. He was.... is a member of our family, has been since birth. And now you and your brother will be lucky you two don't end up like your former future betas. Your mother and Mary will be so disappointed in you. Mary loves you like she is your second mom just like your mom loves Cody like he's her son." Dad said sadly.

"We deserve anything that Coley says, does or asks of us. And mom and Mary as well. We was so wrong and what we did was unforgivable. My twin and I had the best childhood and let power go to our heads. It's inexcusable." I said with a sigh. I was drained.

"Where is your brother and Cody now?" Dad asked.

"I had Bain take him upstairs so he didn't have to be around those monsters any more. They had him hidden under a fake wall in a cage. Wearing nothing but a piece of cloth a jock and a fucking collar. These omega's don't deserve any of this." I said pissed off and pained.

"No they didn't. And bullying when your younger doesn't or shouldn't lead to this there is more to it then what those three boys said and we should have a talk with them and figure it out." Dad said as he talked I nodded my head.

"I would like to admit these three they are very dehydrated and hungry. Asher is dealing with all the stress plus the rejection and Conrad and Dellus have mate separation depression as well as PTSD. Well all of them have PTSD. I would like to see Cole now please." Doc Hanna said making me growl.

"Calm you tits. Doctor Hanna, dad. Coley is sleeping can we bring him by once he wakes up. I know he is dehydrated and stuff but I think he needs rest more right now." Bran said coming in the room.

"Don't wait to long ones he's up." Doctor Hanna said.

"They won't have know two women that will be here any minute because I informed them of the twins being home." Dad said making me groan internally.

"Very well Alpha, future Alphas see you in a bit." Hanna said and with the help of her nurse and the beta I didn't know came back they took the other Omega's out with them.

"You know he was so scared before the assignment, I think he knew something bad would happen. Cody isn't a true omega he is an Omega because his mom was de-ranked after her family and mate left her. Her family was a very well known family and high up in pack status. Her grandfather was an elder and grandmother a seer. Part of me believes that is why Cody is a breeder. He is a very unique young man." Dad said making me proud.

"What do we know about his dad?" Bain asked.

"He was a member of the pack for about six years. Rouge asking for acceptance. He seemed like a nice guy and even treated Mary nicely until he found out she was his mate. He mated with her and dropped her off the next day. She was devastated until she found out she was pregnant with Coledee. Your mom had just had you two and she helped so much until he was born then we helped her. I taught him to walk right beside you two. He talked when you two did and potty trained with you. He has always been an equal to the two of you. You guys were best friends. The three musketeers. Mary called you guys Harry , Ron and Hermione." He said chuckling.

"If he isn't omega why did the seer place him?" I asked.

"She came to us and said he would be placed. We cried and fought but what could we do. The seer said it was his destiny and to keep him out of school. She said to allow him to further his education as far as he wanted but not to let him leave because he was a breeder." He said sighing.

"We were idiots. I don't know how else to put it." I said just as the door opened and in flew two very happy women. Happy for now that is.

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