chapter 10

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This guy is so fucking hot. So let pretend he has a twin and this is what Bran and Bain look like. I would so like anything on his body.
Coledee's pov

Once the twins and Alpha Marts were back we all sat down and ate. They got me a big burger with all my favorites on it bacon, mac and cheese pickles and french fries. Best burger ever. I was have a great day. This might sound bad but having the twins helps me deal with the events of that horrible week.

"We need to plan a good day for the ceremony." Luna Pearl said.

"If it's okay, we would like to wait until Coley ' s is ready. We want to plan it out just right. Because it will be the night we become fully committed to the pack and each other." Bran said making me choke on my bite of food then my face was on fire from embarrassment.

"You okay, Coledee?" Mom asked.

"I'm good mom." I said causing everyone to chuckle.

"Sex is a magical thing. It made you." She said making me choke again.

"Very true." Luna Pearl said smiling at my mom. I'm so glad my mom has her.

"Well then, so how about those Broncos?" I asked causing everyone to laugh.

"We can start the plans and when the time feels right we can set a date." Alpha said thankfully changing the subject.

"Okay, we was thinking about having the ceremony out by the waterfall. Actually doing the exchange on the rock above the waterfall. It would be a full moon so it would be perfect." Bain said.

"I need fairy lights and some white rocks to make a nice path, maybe river rock. I'm so excited I can't wait to start getting stuff ready. I need a date." Luna said bouncing in her seat.

"The next full moon." I blurted out.

"Are you sure?" Bran asked.

"We can wait." Bain said.

"I'm sure unless you guys want to wait. Do you want to wait. I'm sorry I never thought you'd want to wait." I rambled. Their mom slapped them both in the head as her and my mom got up to gather our plates.

"No." They both shouted.

"We just want you to be completely ready and sure." Bain said.

"I will be." I said smiling.

"Yeah I have a date and I have a ceremony to plan. Plus a month long vacation to plan, oh and a...." Luna Pearl said to my mom as they left the room.

The former Alpha and Luna leave for a month after the renaming ceremony so the new Alpha or Alphas and pack can adjust to each other. And when the old Alpha comes back he can either be part of the Council an elder or just a pack member. Alpha Marts is going to be an elder. His dad is an elder and he wants to follow his footsteps.

"Where do you think you will go for your month long vacation?" I asked because I was worried about my mom.

"We are taking you mom to Disneyland and then to the cabin up north for two weeks before we spend a week in wolf form being wolves. It's a much needed thing once we are relieved of our duties." He said making me smile. My mom has always wanted to go to Disneyland.

"Speaking of runs. We still going?" I asked smiling at him.

"You bet, boys you coming?" He asked my mates.

"Count us in." They said.

"Don't forget us." Luna said as mom came up behind her.

"Let's run then." Alpha said.

We all headed for the door. Everyone a head of me but I jumped up changed and was gone.

"I hate it when he does that." Alpha mumbled before changing and chasing me.

It felt good to run. I was gone heading for the border so we could run the border and help the warrior's on duty tonight. My mates where hugh and fast. But not as fast as me.

Both identically black wolves with matching green eyes just like their humans. Black hair green eyes. Their wolves stood about as tall as them 6 foot 5 or better and they were toned the same. Sexy as fuck and all mine.

"You like to run don't ya, babe?" Bran asked through the pack link.

"I didn't get to do it much but when I did I couldn't get enough. Your dad and would go out and we would run for hours. It was my favorite thing to do." I said.

"Now you can run when ever." Bain said.

"Well with one of us. I don't want to lose you and your to cute and someone will steal you from us." Bran said making me laugh. A wolf laughing isn't attractive at all.

"Let's swin." Mom said as we came up to the lake and waterfall. I have to admit it is so beautiful here.

Alpha was the first to jump in and I followed along with the rest of them. I love to play in water and I love to swim in both forms. I didn't get the chance often but man when I did.

We played in the lake for a bit then we all got out and watched the sun set and dried off a bit. It was nice. Like old times and like I had a family. I could feel the love and comfort coming from everyone.

"Let's head back I have meeting in the morning and you boys need to start coming in and learning the ropes." Alpha said causing us all to groan.

We all ran back to our house. I was tired and ready for bed once we got back but of corse the boys had other plans.

"I drawled you a hot bath." Bran said once we was home.

"Thank you, you didn't have too." I said smiling but thankful he did.

"We figured while you soak we could set up a movie or something."Bain said.

"That's sounds nice. I won't be long." I said heading for the bathroom. On my way I grabbed clean boxers and a t shirt.

The bathroom was lite by candle lite and soft music played. There was bubbles and a tall glass of apple juice waiting. Can anyone say HEAVEN.

The bath was just the right temp and I could feel myself relaxing. I closed my eyes and listen to the music. I didn't realize what one bath could do to a guy. I was like jello.

When I got out i dressed and slowly made my way out to the bedroom. I was shocked to see both of my mates holding signs that said 'go on a' 'date with us'. Bain had one and Bran the other.

"Sure, why not." I said giggling.

They grabbed me in a big hug making me giggle more. Once we calmed down we climbed in bed and watched Creed.

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