chapter 24

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Time skip baby time. Woot woot. This story is about done. About three more chapters a bring home the babies, fuck chapter and epilogue.
Coledee's pov

"They won't let me in there." I whined to Pearl and my mom. They have been home a day and I've done nothing but whine and bitch. I can't help it I feel loanly, alone and I'm scared. My mates are there but it's like they're not there.

"Coledee Lee Mac - Centerfield, you leave your mates alone. They are doing wonderful things right now and your being a whiner." My mom yelled.

"Sorry momma, I am just not feeling myself and need them or something." I said rubbing my very large belly. My back had been hurting all day and my rear has been pinching or feels like something is pinching.

"You look uncomfortable." Pearl said frowning at me.

"I'm just so done with this whole thing. I want them out, I want to see my penis and my feet. I don't like not being able to see where I'm peeing or if my socks match. I'd like to walk up stairs and still be able to breath. Or bend over and touch my toes. Hell I can't touch my hips.cuz I can't see them." I vented.

"Are you mad you're pregnant?" Pearl asked.

"No I'm just annoyed. It's uncomfortable and tiring. And I feel like I'm the only one going through it. I can't go out and do anything because I'm a fucking male beached whale and it's not normal. My mates don't want to touch me unless I beg them too. And I'm not in control of my emotions. I want to be in control of my life again." I yelled and a pain hit me hard in the back doubling me over.

"Okay so I think it's safe to say we need to get to Dr Hanna and asap." Pearl said.

"My mates." I hissed out.

"On their way." Marts said coming into the room with a worried looking momma. I smiled at her through the pain. She didn't look any better.

"Come on small steps towards the door." Pearl said. Momma rushed to help me as another bout of pain hit. I didn't like it I hate pain.

"Coledee, you okay? You okay, you okay?" Mom asked and she started rocking.

"Mom I'm fine. You're going to be a grandma soon, I can't wait for you to me all of them." I smiled through the pain.

"Coley." Bran yelled coming barreling into the room.

"Hun, do you think you could carry me please." I asked voice shaky and the pain now traveling to my belly.

"Ready one, two and three." Bran said lifting me like I was a watermelon and not a water buffalo.

"I have the bags and jeep out front." Bain said coming from nowhere.

"Adam." I said my face buried in Bran's neck.

"I'm here." Adam said with another bag he and I had packed.

"Can we go now?" I snapped as my body rippled with pain and I wanted to scream but mumy mom would have a heart attack.

"Just sit with him in you lap." Bain said once we got to the jeep. Marts, Pearl mom and Adam all ran to Marts truck.

"Can my mom hear me?" I begged.

"No baby they are a ways behind us." Bran said and I let out a scream from the depths of hell that could be hear on Pluto as my body was rivided with pain.

"Feel better?" Bain asked.

"A little." I cried.

"Almost there." Bran said.

"It hurts, I swear if this ever happens again I'm going to rip both of your dick off and shove them so far up your asses that I will be able to look in your mouth and see the head coming up your throat." I yelled as my body became riddled with pain again.

"Big graphics and so much detail." Bain mumbled. Both of them squirming as the visualize what I just said. Good let them.

"We're here." Bran said as the jeep stopped.

"Take him to OR room 8 it's ready and waiting for him." Dr. Hanna said as we got out of the jeep.

"So I'm not pooping them out?" I asked.

"When having multiples for a male it's best to deliver through surgery. The next one you can deliver normal if it's only one or two." She said.

"There will be no next one. I'll cut them off." I snapped.

"Honey I love you and believe me I remeber yor mom and I both yelled the same things but if you get the chance to do it again you will, because it's worth it wait and see." Pearl said I stuck my tongue out at here as Bran carried me through the door of OR 8.

Everything happened so fast after that. The IV was hooked up and the pain went away. A curtain blocking my view was put up. My mates left only to return dressed as sexy doctors. Down hormones down. Dr. Hanna proceeded to ask question after question as a rug and pull could be felt from my belly.

"Baby 1 is a boy." Hanna yelled.

"Carmicheal." I said.

"Baby 2 is a boy." Hanna said.

"Chadwick." I smiled as I heard crying.

"Baby 3 is a girl." Hanna said.

"Carrington." I cried.

"And baby number 4 is a boy." Hanna said sighing.

"Cashton." I whispered.

"And I doubled checked and that is it. I'm going to stich you up and let you meet your big family." Dr. Hanna said as I got kisses and my mates and no I cried for our children. For there health and for the miracle that they were and Pearl is right it was so worth it and I would do it 100 times again.

Our beautiful babies. I couldn't wait to spoil them and love them for ever. They have become my world my strength and my reason for living all in the seconds they have breathed the same air as me.

"We did it." I cried.

"We did." Bran said kissing my cheek.

"Love you's." I said.

"We love you baby, thank you." Bain said.

We could hear the babies crying not a pain cry or a hungry cry more of what the fuck is going on cry. I knew they was getting cleaned up, measured and weighed so I wasn't worried. Plus their Alpha babies and two really big Alphas would shred you if you hurt their babies. And I would join in on the fun.

I decided a little nap was a great idea and knowing my babies were in good hands that's what I did.

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