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So I wrote it in a hurry and I know it's got a lot of errors but I'm not perfect and I don't care. Please do not point out my mistakes because it pisses me off you are not better them me and make you own mistakes. Besides my own grammar errors and shit I do this shit on my phone who has a mind of his own and like shit to be his way. Sometimes.its.like.this and I'm to lazy to fix it or it will turn andnnd. Into that.i hate it but what can I do? Fix it? Nope to lazy . So enjoy or not. If your going to whine about shit do it somewhere else. If I fucked I am not fixing it and don't need someone to fix it for me . To me peeps out there much love bitches and thanks for reading and whatnot. No promises on anything else for a bit my favorite Auther came out with some book. TJ Klume and I am going to get my read on.

So ten years into the future .

Coledee's pov
Short but to the point.

"Hey mom have you seen my mit?" Cash asked walking into the kitchen. I lost the whole not wanting to be called mom or mommy when Carry ' s first words was momma.

"In the laundry room with you uniform." I said to my ten year old.

"Thanks." He said as he leaves a smiling Baytion walks in. 15 months younger then his older four siblings and the cause of almost a year with no sex for my mates. But I love him.

"Mom Capers awake." He said before running back to the nursery. Knowing my 8 year old he woke up little miss Caper.

I sighed as in walked into the room. My three week old daughter was trying to wake her three week old twin brother Campbell.

"No no young lady." I said picking her up.

Camp stayed asleep and I carried caster with me back to the kitchen while I tried to prepare lunch for the army that lived in this house. Full corse meals had to be prepared three times a day and we hired two helpers that would clean up once I'm done.

"Here I'll take her you finish the stuffed ravioli." Adam said taking caster.

"Thanks." I said going back to work.

Life has been full for the last ten years. We have had the quads, Baytion, Dyia our 6 year old daughter, Zell and Zara our 4 year old twins and lastly our surprises caster and campbell. Bran and Bain help out a lot and with the two helpers and Adam I still do my luna/Alpha jobs. But I honestly love just spending time with my family. Mom and Pearl take the kids all the time and Marts is the coach for the boys baseball team.

Our lives are full. We take family runs and do pack runs. We have one day where it's nothing but family. One day were it's nothing but mates and one day where the pack is our main focus. We learned that braytion is just like me. A breeder and so very submissive. He is my baby believe it or not. Campbell is just like my mom. But we don't treat him any different. I mean I know he's only three months but he will be treated like the others.

We named all our kids weird and crazy names I think because of my name and my mates names nothing normal about them. So our children will follow with the weird names.

Thankfully Dr hanna helped me talk my mates in to allowing me to snip the baby machine in the bud and now we can fuck and not worry about having anymore babies. Or I hope anyways. Hanna said it wants 100% effective.

Bain had taken up painting in his spare time and my house is filled with all sorts of art. He is so talented. He painted our family after caster and campbell were born.

Bran has thrown himself into training our kids. He doesn't want to send them off so he will do their Alpha training at home. With the help of Arnaud and Martz.

Pearl and my mom have become the new helpers at the school. I think it's so they can still spoil the kids.

Ashton and his mates are doing good. Hunter and Henry have changed and now the three of them live in a pack for wolves who need special attention. Pauly and Kluss haven't fared as well in and out of Wolvesville they were finally put down when they kidnapped and raped a young boy. The boy didn't make it and it rocked the whole were community.

Conrad and Dellus are still with Marts and Pearl and enjoy being able to live life on the easy side.

We have all some what forgive and forgot what happened in our own way. Life has been great and even though I could have lived without what had happening I feel like that has some what made me stronger and more passionate for what I have.

Life is all about learning to handle what is thrown at you. It's how you deal with it in the end that builds your future. If you chose to allow what others think of you to bug you sooner or later you become what they say you are because you focus on not doing it. And if you are big and beautiful own that shit. If your hair is red show them how beautiful it is. Or what ever the fuck ppl pick on ppl over now a days. I hate bullies and don't like it when ppl thunk they need to change to make others like them. Be you be real and fuck everyone else.

Okay so I got a little carried away sorry. We I hope you like the glimpse into my life and getting to me and my family. Thanks for reading and joining us .

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