chapter 15

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Food art is the best. Love me some dick cakes.
Coledee's pov
May have triggers.
My mates informed me I would have to speak with the elders and council today with the others. We would learn what will happen to 'them'. I'm worried how asher and the other two will do. I'm afraid it might be too much. I don't know if some of us can move on. I don't want to lose my best friend.

I didn't know how to dress so I decided a nice button up and jeans would be okay. I didn't do anything to my already messy hair. I never do it wouldn't stay anyways. I did brush me teeth twice and use mouth wash and floss. I hate bad breath.

Bran and Bain both walked with me to the Alphas meeting room where the others were already. I sat between Asher and Dellus while Conrad was next to Dellus. My mates sat next to their dad one on each side. But they kept reassuring my through the link.

"Thank you call for coming. I know this is very difficult and something you'd rather not have to keep bringing up. How ever so we know what took place and have it on record we will need you guys to give your testimony." Alpha Mart said.

"If at anytime you need to stop and take a breather please don't hesitate to ask." Dr. Gilroy said.

"We would like to start with Dellus first." The one of the Council members said.

"Um..... okay." Dellus said.

"Dellus could you please tell us in the five day you was held captive what happened." Alpha said.

"The first night was normal, we cooked and cleaned they let us set up our rooms. The next morning things started to change. We were assigned our 'uniforms' jockstrap, crop top and collars and also assigned our cages. They issued us our one blanket and small pillow along with a dog dish for food and one for water. On day three it all changed. They started out by using us to pleasure them by hand, that was in the morning. By that afternoon I was forced to take henry in my mouth and pleasure him. It was horrible and I hated every millisecond of it. That night Pauly raped me while my mate was forced not only to watch and feel but he was forced to take Kluss into his mouth. Then they switched. It was the worst pain imaginable. They took turns until they was caught but the Alpha twins." Dellus said with no emotions no reactions what so ever.

"Thank you Dellus. As the Alpha of this pack I can not even begin to apologize for what I allowed unknowingly to happen. I will never be able to forgive myself for what has happened to you or your mate or any of you for that matter. I am truly sorry and I know how lame that is after what you've been through." Alpha said with so much raw emotions it brought tears to my eyes and all I wanted to do is hug him.

"With all due respect sir, I believe that there is a reason for everything and it's up to us on hope we handle it. If we fall to pieces then it wins. If we deal with it and move on then I believe we have won. I don't think there is anything you could have done. They didn't have this planned that first night we was there was when they came up with this plan and you couldn't have known. Coledee said you would come for us soon. Your son's just beat you to it." Dellus said.

"We know now that henry is sick very sick in fact. And with the proper treatment he can be okay. He has multiple personality disorder." Dr. Gilroy informed us. Asher perked up and gave the doc his full attention.

"An the others?" Conrad asked."

"Pauly and Kluss are simple followers. Hunter has separation issues. And he is always trying to watch over his brother. Deep down he's known there was something wrong with Henry he was just afraid of it." Dr. Gilroy said.

"That explains why hunter didn't really do anything to us." Conrad said.

"He didn't want to let his brother down and he didn't want to do it. He kept saying it was wrong and that they shouldn't do it. He wold only mess with Asher." Dellus said.

"Whatever they did to my mate they made sure they did it to me as well. They never messed with us one on one. They made sure we watched and felt everything they did to each other. And they made sure we didn't touch or connect so the mating bond would start to break." Conrad said getting mad.

"Well they failed. My bond for you is stronger then it has ever been. And there is nothing any of them could do to change that. I love you more then my own breath and any pain or sadness just melts away when I look in to your eyes. They couldn't take that from us what they did only made us stronger." Dellus said smiling at his mate.

"Do you two still want to leave?" Alpha asked them surprising me. They were leaving.

"We've talked about it and are asking for permission to take a long vacation for now. If we feel we can not come back we will talk about it then." Conrad said bowing his head.

"I have an idea. Luna Pearl and I are taking Mary and going once the twins take over how would you like to come along. You could either become our omega's or go as pack members but I'm afraid of just letting you go alone. I've allowed harm to come to you once if it happened again I don't know what I would do." Alpha said.

"Can we have a couple.days to think about it?" Dellus asked.

"Sure. Take your time. The corrination isn't until the next full moon which is in two weeks." Alpha said smiling.

"Thank you." Conrad said.

"Okay Asher, could you please let us know what you went through." A council member asked.

"My mates raped me repeatedly and forced me to pleasure their friends with my mouth and hands." He spit out.

"How do you feel learning that henry has a disorder?" Dr. Gilroy asked.

"I honestly don't know. I have been numb since the moment they decided to treat me like a piece of meat." Asher said.

"That's truly understandable. I have a letter here addressed to you from hunter. Would you like it?" Dr. Gilroy asked. I held my breath because it was my idea for him to do this and part of me hopes it works.

"I honestly don't know, I'll take it but I make no promises on whether I read it or not." Asher said after a long silence.

"Very well. I want all of you to know I am here if you need me. And Asher I think it is brave of you to even think about reading this letter." Dr. Asher said.

"Cole..... I mean Coledee, your turn." Alpha said.

"I didn't get treated anywhere as bad as the other. They was afraid because I'm a breeder I would get pregnant, so I only had to endure countless hand jobs mostly for Pauly and Kluss. Hunter and Henry only came to me once or twice." I said bowing my head. My mates growled making me shiver.

"It may not have been much but it was enough." Asher said the others agreed with him. I know it was nothing compared to what they went through.

"We have decided their fate and it's as follows......" the Council leader read off each sentence for each person. I somewhat thought the punishment wasn't enough. But the others seemed okay with it. Asher requested a meeting with his mates and for permission to leave if he wanted to. Alpha granted him whatever he wanted.

It had been a long ass day and I just wanted it to end. I wanted to curl up and go to sleep. So my mates took me home to do just that.

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