chapter 16

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My kitty. Everyone meet Cereal. Isn't she cute.
Something a little different and this will be a short chapter.
Asher ' s pov

To say I was a little upset was an understatement. But I understand why they didn't get sentenced to life or death. And how could hunter even think I would want to read this... this ugh... I am going to read it. Goddess please give me strength.

Dear Asher,

I am so sorry. I know those words mean nothing. I know there are no words that could make you forgive me. So I'm not asking you for forgiveness I .... we .... I don't deserve it. We don't deserve it. Dr. Gilroy says I need to stop thinking of henry and I being one person so I can't apologize for him. But I guess he's really sick. I didn't help him when he needed me. I let you down the same way. I kind of hope the rejection kills me. And if it kills me you can find true happiness. You deserve so much better than what you've been given. The Moon Goddess made a mistake with us. I wish I could have a second chance. I would love you like no other and I would never hurt you. I only want you to be happy. I will pray for a painful end for myself. I will pray for a happy and fulfilling life for you. I will pray for henry to get better. I hope that someday you will forgive me for being a coward and letting you down.
I dreamed of you from the age 8. I have loved you from the minute I saw you. I was just to weak to do something about it. I would do anything to make you happy. I wish all the wishes in the world and pray to anyone who will listen that you forgive me someday. I wish you only the best. I hope you learn to trust to love and to be happy again.
I am sorry Asher. I truly wish you was mine and I was yours.

Love forever yours,


Shit... shit ...... shit. Why would he do that? Why would he say any of that?

What the hell am I going to do. I need to see them. I want to learn all about what is wrong with Henry and I want to..... what? I want to what? I have no idea but I need to do something.

"Alpha may I see my mates please?" I asked through mind link.

"Meet me downstairs in ten minutes." Alpha said.

Time to start putting my life together.

A/N: I warned you it would be short. I don't plan on making a sequel so this is probably it for Asher ' s pov I just figured you guys would want to know what was in the letter. So on with the show. .

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