chapter 13

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Bain ' s pov

I carried Coley out to the jeep while Bran grabbed the bags and locked up. I wrapped him up in one of the spare blankets from the cabin. He was snoring not even waking for a second. He was so cute with his drool and nasal noises.

"Quit being a creeper and let's go." Bran said climbing in the jeep.

I started it and we headed down the mountain. The drive wasn't long but it was rough. The mountain was not nice to us and it woke Coley up halfway down.

"This sucks." He whined.

"But it's time to rise and shine buttercup." Bran said causing Coley to stick his tongue out and flip him off before he snuggled back into the blanket and went back to sleep.

"I don't think he likes me right now." Bran said laughing.

"He love you but hates you all at the same time. Maybe breakfast will help." I suggested.

"Foooood." Coley moaned from the back seat.

"Roscoe's diner?" Bran asked.

"It's the closest one and it has the best waffles I've ever ate. Oh and the milkshakes are the best." I said.

"Fooood." Coley whined making us laugh.

I pulled into the semi packed diner and helped Coley untangle from his blanket. He was wide awake now because you could smell the amazing food from where we parked.

"I have to go potty." Coley said running for the bathroom.

"Take a seat anywhere ya can find one." A waitress said as she past with a pot of coffee.

We found a three persons table by a window and sat waiting for Coley to find us. It didn't take long and as soon as he sat the waitress come buzzing over with her notepad and pen ready.

"What can I get ya'll to drink?" She asked.

"Chocolate milkshake." I said.

"Strawberry milkshake for me." Bran said.

"Can I get a strawberry banana chocolate milkshake. I can't chose." Coley said pouting.

"Sure thing sugar." She said smiling down at him.

"Thank you." He said smiling right back.

Welcome hun, now do ya'll know what ya want or do ya need some time?" She asked.

"Could I get the Belgian waffles topped with strawberries and whipped cream, bacon and the strawberry crape." I said.

"Syrup, chocolate sauce or carmel sauce?" She asked.

"None. Thank you." Welcome sugar.

"Could I get the same add sausage two eggs and crispy hash browns. And I'll take plan syrup." Bran said making both Coley and the waitresses eye bulge. Even though they was both werewolves.

"Got it. And you cutie?" She asked Coley.

"Could I get the waffles topped with strawberries and bananas, whipped cream and the chocolate sauce. Bacon, strawberry crape and the cheese cake special." He asked licking his lips.

"Sure can, I'll be back with your drinks and crapes in a few." She said before taking off for the kitchen.

"What time is the first meeting?" Bran asked.

"Ten, we have time." I said watching the waitress head back our way with our drinks and stuff.

"One chocolate, one strawberry and one strawnana chocolaty milkshake." Lo our waitress said making Coley giggle.

"Thank you." Coley said before taking a long pull off the sinful drink. His moan of happiness made sitting a bit uncomfortable. But after taking a sip of my own I was right there in the sugar coldness of milkshake land. It was so good.

"Crapes and cheese cake." Lo said placing a plate of crapes in the middle along with a cherry cheese cake. She slid plates in front of us. And individual things of syrup.

"Thank you." I said before digging in.

We were on a sugar high by time the other food got to us. But all the food was well worth it. The noises coming out of Coley ' s mouth was almost to much. Bran was feeling it to you could see the lust and pain in his face but like myself we hid it well. But I know Bran and he knows me so I know what I'm looking for.

Coley got a to go box of a little of everything and Lo some how got him a to go cup of his milkshake. He was so happy.

The ride home was quiet because Coley crashed and Bran was off in his own little world. I just drove with the radio down low and my window down a bit. I love driving in the country.

We pulled through the gates and up to the house with plenty of time for the meetings. Coley decided he needed time with his mom so he headed off to find her. He was going to share his treasures with her he said.

"He's got a bounce in his step I haven't seen since he was younger. He looks happy." Dad said coming up behind us.

"He's like a totally different person." Bran said.

"I think it's because oft a lot of reasons. We are back in his life, he found his mates and his freedom has been given to him in away." I said.

"Very possible." Dad said patting me on the back.

We all walked into the office. Dad sat behind one of the desk and Bran and I behind our own. We have had desk in this office since we was younger. Before we did homework in here and now park work.

"The elders, council and the psychologist and seer will be here in an hour. The trial begins next week. Dellus and Conrad have asked to leave the pack. I have a friend who has a pack that is made up of mostly rejected omega's. He will take them and I think it's best. They need to be around more calmer and less dominating wolves." Dad said sadly. This was going to bug Coley.

"What about Asher?" I asked.

"He is showing signs that the rejection my kill him. His hair is falling out, lose of appetite and he sleeps a lot." Dad said with a sigh.

"And hunter and henry?" Bran asked.

"Hunter is as well but Henry doesn't seem to be effected much." Dad said opening a file.

"Coley thinks there is something wrong with Henry." I said opening up his family file.

"I believe Cody has an insight like his grandmother. He just doesn't know how to use it and he doesn't understand what it is." Dad said.

"You said she was a seer. Do you think Coley is the next seer?" Bran asked.

"I think it's something he needs to talk to the current seer about." Dad said.

We was all lost in our own thought until momma came in to tell us that everyone had showed up. She told us she was taking cole and his mom to the diner in town for lunch. I'm kind of glad he's not going to be here for this. He is going to be so upset that his friends are leaving.

Once momma left the door opened to six elders, eight council members and two doctors and the seer. We all headed to the next room where we had a huge conference room.

This was going to be a long meeting.

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