chapter 22

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That picture is so hot that it's my home screen. What I would do to be the water or those shorts. Good lord help me.
Coledee's pov

The visit with the parents went well, the had promised to be home a week before I was due and stay and help me for a bit before returning to their vacation. I was going to miss them and I hate leaving them. I cried half way home until we stop to eat at that diner again.

"Strawberry banana and chocolate." The waitress said as we walked in.

"Yes, I'll take two please." I said walking behind her as she sat us in a booth.

"Sure thing, would you like one to go?" She asked.

"Yes, please." I said smiling at her.

"I'll be right back to take your orders." Flo said.

"Been here before?" Adam asked.

"Omg, their food is to die for. I love the waffles and the milkshakes and cheese cake oh and I think I had bacon but I'm not sure." I rambled.

"Order what you want." Bran told Adam whose eyes were as big as saucers.

"Okay." Adam said looking at me like I was a freak. I'm a growing boy/man I like food and I'm proud of it.

"If you think I eat a lot wait until they order." I said smiling.

"Here you go cutie." Flo said d setting my yummy glass of wonderful in front of me. I sipped on until it was my turn to order.

"Waffles with the works, bacon, sausage and cheese cake please." I said smiling.

"Is that all?" She asked.

"Hash browns and two eggs over medium please." I said when my tummy growled. I was starving.

"You've got it cutie." She said before heading back to the kitchen.

"Hungry?" Bain asked.

"Starved, I think the four baby beans are starving as well." I whined rubbing my small baby bump.

"It's a good thing we stopped. Can't have hungry beans." Bran said adding his hand to mine. Bain's followed and I almost invited Adam but stopped my myself on how weird that would be.

Flo brought our food and I moaned and growled through every last morsel and drop. Bran tried to still some bacon and I almost bit him. Was not pretty. Flo gave me my to go milk shake before we headed out. I felt like I had gained 100 pounds and my eyes would barely stay open.

"Adam there is a pillow in the very back could you get that for me?" Bran asked as Bain carried my lazy fat ass.

"Yes, Alpha sir." Adam said running a head. Bran climbed in the back took the pillow and placed it on his lap. Bain set me next to Bran before him and Adam climbed up front. I snuggled up to Bran and fell fast a sleep.

I sort of remember being carried and laid down on a super soft bed and two very warm bodies laying next to me. But when I woke up I was all alone and it made me very sad.

"Where are you guys?" I cried through the link.

"Office." Two worried yet sexy voices said back.

"Okay." I said getting up and releasing myself, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I looked like a hot mess.

I walked down the hall to the office and walked in and sat at my desk.

"How ya feeling?" Bran asked.

"lonely." I whined.

"We could fix that if you're up to it." Bain said smiling a naughty smile.

"No whips or chains vanilla cuz of the beans." I said smiling at his naughtiness.

"How about we use our ties and make it a little flavorable." Bran said.

"Deal, I'll go shower while you two get ready." I said adding a little wiggle to my walk as I headed back to our room.

I quickly showered and got ready for my men if ya know what I mean. I've learned to prepare myself the way they like it. I decided on just walking out naked.

"Sweet Goddess." Bran said as I walked out.

"In the middle of the bed baby, spread eagle for us." Bain said standing with a few ties in his hands. They was both naked and glistening with a lite shimmer of sweat.

(Okay naughty time they are about to rock out with their cocks out so if you don't want to hear/read are about butt play or dick getting wet please check are bond make sure you are reading the right book, you like boyxboy and your not some judgemental person you.)(oh and I suck at writing this shit so deal botches)

I got into position and gently they each took an arm and tied my wrists with the ties before tying them to the hooks on the bed. With each new move their lips kissed my hands, fingers and arms. It was erotic. The both grabbed a leg and positioned them in stirrups hanging from the ceiling. I was in the untimate position if ya know what I mean. My ass was bare for them and so was my front parts.

"Someone took the fun out of prep time. If you wasn't so sexy I'd have to punish you with a spanking but you'll have to settle for a tongue lashing." Bain said before he started to eat my ass. Gawd it was amazing.

"Open." Bran said I listened and got a mouth full of cock. Yum.

I swear I was in heaven. Bran tasted like a sweet and sour candy that I couldn't get enough of. And the pleasure was building in my body from what Bain was doing to me.

I felt Bran swell so I prepared to take his load. Just as he released down my throat Bain rammed into me to the hilt. I want to scream and cum but I failed to realize somewhere along the line a cock ring was placed on my dick.

A load moan left my mouth once Bran's cock was gone. His mouth replaced his cock and blocking anymore embarrassing noises. I just wish I had my hands and legs free. I needed to touch, scratch and grab.

"Fuck baby, your so tight. I love the way you feel." Bain said.

"Can't wait to feel." Bran said leaving my mouth and allowing a mumble of agreements to leave my mouth I could not wait either cuz that ment I would be able to cum I needed to cum.

"Join me brother." Bain said making me squirm. It hurts to take both but the feeling is something unbelievable.

Bran some how got under me and an a smooth fucking motion he was in to the hilt while Bain was out and pushing back in.

"Fuck." I moaned.

"You like that baby, does that feel good? You feel like a hot oven that is made for us." Bran said in to my ear making me shiver.

"I need to cum. Please." I begged.

"Just a few more minutes baby we are almost there." Bain moaned out as they kept their rhythm.

The fire inside me was almost to much it was almost like an out of body feeling because it was to much and I needed it to stop.

"Cum." Bran said.

One word lifted me into my subspace as the cock ring was removed almost I released everything in me. Subspace is something unexplainable and is different for everyone who experiences it. For me I felt like a think haze was all around me and my body was feeling shock wave after shock wave of pleasure while my mind slowly became blank and sleep would consume me.

I vaguely remember feeling the tie being released, my ankles and no being cleaned up. The feel of two warm bodies surrounding me and the darkness envelope around me.

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