chapter 20

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Coledee's pov

I decided I was going to wear my favorite shirt of Bran's and these really cool shorts of Bain's. I looked okay a little pudgy but I really haven't been doing much. My mates and the pack don't let me.

"Ready babe?" Brain asked coming into the room wearing simular shorts and shirt.

"Yeah sure am." I said following him out. Bran was waiting also dressed simular.

"So we are going to go for a run if that's okay." Bran said pulling out a carrier bag. It's used to carry clothes and other item.

We all stripped and filled the bag with our clothes. My new weight gain had me feeling a little off. It not that I cared it's just that it doesn't feel normal for me. Size doesn't matter, unless your talking about a sweet tea from Mc Donalds then large is the only way.

"Follow us." Bran said before shifting. I always loved the way it felt to shift. It was like scratching an itch you can't reach.

We shifted and took off into the woods. It felt good. It felt like I hadn't shifted in months. My wolf seemed a bit more careful and more in tuned to the feel and sounds of the woods. My senses were so much more advanced. It has to be a Luna thing.

We ran for a while before we come apone the waterfall. It was still lit up with fairy lights and glowing rocks. It was beautiful. I saw a picnic basket and comfy blanket set up close to the water. Torches were lit and a small fire burned in a fire pit.

"Come sit. Wendy made all your favorites." Bain said pulling me onto the blanket. There was comfy pillows and little seats for us.

"I miss Wendy. I am going to have to go cook with her soon. It smells yummy." I said waiting for my plate Bran was dishing.

"She misses you too." Bain said handing me a plate with steak fajitas and Alfredo with portobello mushrooms.

"So we kind of tricked you earlier." Bran said causing me to stop eating.

I don't like where this was going. It was like when we was younger all over again. They would tell me to be ready to play once they got out of school and I would and when they would come home they would beat me up or do something so all their friends laughed. I started feeling sick and getting sweaty. My breath picked up and I felt the need to run.

"Shit." Bain said grabbing my and pulling me into his lap.

"Calm down babe, I'm sorry. It wasn't in a mean way. It was the whole doctors visit. We thought we knew what was wrong with you and why you'd been moody and hungry all the time. So we asked Dr hanna to run some test." Bran said.

"And in this envelope is the results. Would you like to see them?" Bain asked.

"Is it bad?" I asked staring at the envelope.

"We thing it's amazing and hope you do to." Bran said handing me the envelope.

I took the envelope with shaking hands and turned it over a couple times before slowly opening it. Inside was another envelope and some papers. I decided to go for the other envelope.

A sonogram, a sonogram with four little beans on it. Four little ......

"I'm pregnant..... with four babies. I am pregnant times 4." I said to no one just had to say it out loud.

"Are you okay?" Bain asked holding me tighter.

"I'm pregnant. I have four beings inside of me. Four. Holy fuck four. Oh my Goddess whose the dad of who? I am such a hoe. Two baby daddies, I'm going to be on Maury. I mean I have two mates but I'm such a slut." I was mumbling so Bran kissed me to shut me up.

"So are you better?" Bain asked.

"No I'm not, I'm pregnant." I snapped and then felt bad. "Yes, I'm better knowing what's wrong with me. But I'm a little stressed out right now. I mean I'm only 18, just become the Luna Alpha of our pack freshly mated and we haven't even talked about anything regarding our future. Kids, marriage or anything." I said feeling a little overwhelmed." I said and started to cry. It was a little too much.

"You have us. The three of us will get through this. If you want to get married we will, we have our whole lives to make plans and talk about life. And I for one want lots of kids. And Bain and I are all of the babies daddies so no maury for you." Bran said.

"Lots of kids." Bain said kissing my neck making me giggle.

"Four is a lot I can't even hold that many at one time. Oh no someone will always be left out I'm am not a good dammy. I will never be fair to my kids." I started crying all over again.

"Nobody will get left out. There is three of us. That's room for two more. One of us will be left out not our babies. And what the hell is a dammy?" Bain asked.

"I will not be called mommy. I have a dick. And one of you will be daddy and the other papa or something so I will half to be dammy someone has to be dammy." I said as if it was written in stone right there in front of us.

"One of us will be dammy." Bran said rubbing my back. That felt so good I sighed. I could feel the weight on my shoulders lifting and sleep being called forward.

"No sleeping. Not yet, wat." Bain said turning me so I could eat but stay in his lap. And boy did I eat.

Once we ate we played in the water. It was so calming and relaxing. I loved knowing that my body was filling out because of the babies. I couldn't wait to tell my mom. She was going to be the best granny or grammy ever. Oh and Luna Pearl or I guess it's just Pearl I don't like calling her that it doesn't feel right.

Our lives as we know it was about to change forever. I just hope that I or we are ready for it. I pray that everything works out and these four little beans of hope are healthy happy and loved like no other. Because this dammy lives them to the Moon and back already.

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