chapter 9

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I feel like this story is lagging a bit but I just started it and I am trying to bang one out there so ya'll know I'm not dead or forgot about ya. So if it's shitty I'm sorry but being a grown up sucks big monkey balls because ya have to work pay your bills and do grown up shit. I just want to go back to playing with my toy cars and shit. Never really was a girly girl so.... okay on with the next chapter. Still pictures from my collection.

Bain ' s pov (do I keep spelling his name different?)

"I have your mom and Mary coming over to keep cole company while we go talk to the prisoners." Dad said while Coley was upstairs moving our stuff around in or room so he could put his stuff. We offered to help and he snapped. And I quote "I'm not a weak ass just because I'm an omega and a breeder." End quote. I shook my head remembering it. He has been having mood swings a lot the last couple days. Dad said it's part of the heat.

"Have they said anything?" I asked.

"Just that this is what they thought you wanted." Dad said looking pissed.

"Never did we ever imply anything like this. We beat up Coley we picked on Coley nobody else. Yeah they called him names but nobody touched him while we was here and nobody knew about us beating him up." Bran said pissed but at us more then anything.

"Well Henry says you did." Dad snapped. This was hard on him because of the assholes we was but also because of what went on under his nose and he did nothing. He feels like he failed all of them.

"There has to be more to it. We need to search all of there rooms here and at their other homes. Plus talk to anyone they hung out with." I said as the front door opened.

"You love my boy. You not reject him he is a good boy not stupid like me. He is smart and pretty." Mary stormed in crying.

"Mary you are very smart and very beautiful and we love Coley. I promise. And we will take care of him." I said pulling the weeping Mary into my arms.

"You raised an angel Mary and we are proud to call him or mate." Bran said hugging her as well.

"Mary my boys are going to take great care of your boy and you are a bight and shining star that is smart and funny and I love you to bits." Momma said coming and hugging a still crying Mary.

"Love you too pearl." Mary said giggling now.

"Luna Pearl, Alpha Marts, mom, hey what are you guys doing here? Coley asked coming down stairs with a full laundry basket.

"Hey Cody, feel like a run later?" Dad asked him.

"Sounds good." He said smiling.

"Your momma and I come to help you move your stuff." Mom said smiling at him.

"We play, we play, clean then play." Mary said jumping up and down.

"Okay mom we will play and I'd love your help." He said chuckling.

"We are going to help dad for a bit. We won't be long." I said taking the laundry basket from him.

"What about dinner?" He asked.

"We could pick something up." Bran said grabbing an apple. I carried the basket back to the laundry room. I started filling the washer as Coley came in and added the soap.

"Your going to talk to them, aren't you." Coley says not looking at me just adding all the good smelling stuff to the washer.

"Yep." I said not wanting to lie.

"I hate to say it but you need to find a way to get the twins to get asher to forgive them. He needs to accept his mates. What they did was horrible and they need punished but asher is punishing himself more but not finding out why. The other two followed the leader and hunter didn't want to go against his brother. Go push him then Henry." He said kissing my cheek and heading back to the others. My mate is smart and forgiving.

Bran, dad and I left and headed for the jail. Before walking in I ran in to Bob's diner and ordered a bunch of food to be ready when we was done.

Sheriff landcaster was waiting for us. He was a real cop but he was the pack gamma aka peace keeper. But to keep our secret he had to become a real cop. We owned the town and about fifty miles on all sides of it but visitors come and go all the time.

"Alpha, future Alphas." Sheriff Lancaster said as we walked in bowing his head.

"Tony." Dad said Bran and I both nodding our heads.

"I separated them and put them each in a locked room." Sheriff said handing dad the keys.

"Thanks." I said nodding as we followed dad back to the interview room.

We entered a room that had Kluss in it. My gut said he wouldn't know much and he was nothing but a follower just like Coley said.

Coley was right. Kluss basically said Henry had said that we as Bran and I had talked to him and told him how we would be taking over and changing the rules on omega's and how they was treated. He seemed remorseful and begged for forgiveness he asked to talk to the omegas. We didnt agree or disagree wesent him back to his cell and moved on. It would be up to the Omega's if they wanted to see him.

Pauly didn't seem as remorseful but he too said that Henry was the one who set it all up. He did ask for forgiveness. I think he is do asking because it's expected of him. He don't care either way.

Hunter was crying before we even entered. I don't know if it was the whole broken mating bond or what. He was almost unresponsive. I kind of felt bad for him and I remembered what Coley asked.

"Hunter I want you to write a letter to Asher. I want you to explain everything to him and I want you to tell him how you really feel about him about all of this and about what you wish could happen." I said before we walked out.

"Why did you do that?" Bran asked.

"Coley asked me to." I said with a shrug.

"He's a smart boy." Dad said with a smirk.

"Yes he is." Bran and I said.

Henry was a mess. There was something off with him. I couldn't figure it out. And I bothered me. It was like he was constantly fighting with someone in his head. Like there was more going on in there then the feeling you get from your wolf. He talked like he was two different people.

"I'd like to have Henry tested by the psychologist. I think he as deeper issues then we think." I said once we left the room he was in.

"I'm very proud of you for figuring that out." Dad said.

"Again Coley said he thought something was wrong with Henry. I just paid attention and finally saw what I think he saw." I said.

"I feel said left out." Bran said pouting.

"Don't worry we have a life time to be wowed by our mate." I said laughing.

"Is couldn't be more prouder of my two boys and I'm honestly happy for the moon Goddesses choice in who she picked for your mate. He is amazing and strong." Dad said with pride.

"We have a lot to make up for and we need to start with a date a proper date." Bran said making me smile.

"Hell, ya." I said agreeing.

"I'm going to let sheriff know what we want done. The concil will be here in a week and the seer tomorrow. I'd like asher to be here to hear what the seer has to say." Dad said as we made our way back to the front desk.

"Have hunter have his letter done by then." I said.

"I'll meet you two out front of Bob's." He saod before heading to talk to the sheriff.

"Let's feed our mate." Bran said walking out the door and over to Bob's.

I can't wait to plan our date.

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