Chapter Eleven - Obsessive

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Hello my minions, this is the second part of the costume party so I hope you all enjoy it. I'm rather tired and subdued at present so I'm not sure if what I'm saying right now is making any sense. If not... well I couldn't really care less, most of you probably don't even read this anyway so I'm not too worried XD  Haha, I am in LOVE with the song on the side. The lyric, 'Don't apologise, I hope you choke and die' will go down in history as the best lyric in a song, EVER, in the history of the world. Yeah, that's how much I like it. XD I thought it suited this chapter very well, especially the part that says 'and now I know I wanna kill you like only a best friend could'. You'll see what I mean when you get to the cop part. And that's all I'm gonna say! *Zips lips, throws away the key... Remembers something important, starts mumbling incomprehensibly while running with arms in the air in the direction of the thrown away key. Drops to knees and digs in ground for key, sobbing like a little b!tch. Thinks 'screw this' and just rips the damn zipper open.* AH! I'M FREE, I'M FREE AT LAST! It's been... what? A whole forty seconds since I last spoke? My God it's a wonder I didn't die! XD .... Yeah, like I said, I'm tired...

Don't forget to comment, vote, fan, choreograph a Nat-esque alternative dance routine...


Chapter Eleven - Obsessive

Kyle tipped his head back and groaned loudly. “She’s delusional,” he said, opening his eyes to look back at me, his baby blues pleading.

“I think she’s planning something. Be on the lookout, she may try to kidnap you,” I said seriously before smiling at his worried face, meriting a nervous laugh.

“I swear it wasn’t even serious. We dated for like a few weeks. The girl’s obsessed!” he said.

“I kind of figured that from the violent behaviour,” I told him. He winced.

“Sorry. Did she hurt you?” It was me who laughed that time.

“Yeah right! She’d need a step-ladder just to reach me!” I cried out, causing him to grin and shake his head at me.

“I still can’t believe it!” Bree cried out, enraged. “If I see that girl again I’m gonna give her a piece of my mind!” she growled, raising a clenched fist. I smirked when I saw she had her thumb tucked in, and reached over to pull it out and lay it across her fingers before patting her hand.

“Calm down ace, you’ll burst a blood vessel,” I told her. She’d gotten so mad over the entire confrontation; I swear she was angrier than I was.

“I’m so sorry about all of that Nat. Do you wanna leave?” Kyle asked.

“What? No way am I leaving a party just because some love-struck midget got her nose out of joint!”

“You sure?” Sammy asked.

“Yes I’m sure, would you lot stop looking so serious!” I cried out, taking in their grave expressions. “God no one died! This is a party! You should be dancing, and drinking, and sucking each other’s faces off!” I told them.

“Good plan!” Jake cried before he left to approach a smoking blonde dressed as Marilyn Monroe. How original. Then again, that’s sort of hypocritical for Superman to say.

“See! He’s got it,” I declared.

“Nat—” Sammy begun but I cut her off.

“I gotta pee. It may take me a while to find a vomit-free bathroom so if I disappear don’t worry,” I told them before prancing off down the elaborate hallways of Alicia’s house.

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