Chapter Twenty-Nine - Bloom

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Hey there guys, sorry for disappearing on you all, but here it is! Chapter 29. Probably one of my favourite chapters to date, and I hope it's one of yours too ;) The song on the side there is now Nat and Morgan's song, especially for this, and the previous, chappy. I was also listening to Bloom by The Paper Kites, hence the title, and I would urge you all to check it out, great song, great band.

Remember people, second last chapter here... :')

Oh, and just thought I better pop this in: NEVER, I repeat NEVER, feed grapes to dogs. They're highly poisonous to them, Nat is stupid (Nat: Hey! You made me, you have no one but yourself to blame!), and Buddy - for all intents and purposes - has 9 lives. Living with Nat, that's not surprising. (*Nat hits me around the head*) Why hello there point of no return! Long time no see.... =)

Chapter Twenty-Nine - Bloom

"Are you okay?" dad asked me.

"I think so," I answered with a sigh. "Are you?"

"Not so much," he answered truthfully as I popped another strawberry in my mouth, "But enough about me. Have you decided about the ADF yet?" His words stumped me.

"Uh... I was actually waiting for the a-okay from you and ma." I winced after the words left my mouth. I didn't know how to be the daughter of a broken home. Was I not supposed to mention a parent in front of the other one?

"Well, when you're eighteen you know neither one of us can stop you from doing anything," he spoke so casually, as if he were completely undeterred about that fact. I know I wasn't.

"I know that, but I don't want to go and do something you're both totally against."

"That never stopped you before," he pointed out, his voice coated with amusement.

"... That's different," I responded after a silent moment.

"Mm? How so?" he inquired, waiting, no doubt in glee, for my reply.

"... I don't wanna talk about it anymore," I decided when I couldn't think of one acceptable enough to give.

"Okay then. What's going on with you and Morgan?" he asked.

Eyes drifting up to the darkened window over the sink, I let out a sigh of contempt. "I don't want to talk about that either," I muttered.

"Oh you've gotta pick one, Nat. So come on, which one is it going to be? Your looming adulthood or your relationship with Morgan?"

"You know I could just hang up the phone, right?" I stated apathetically.

"But you won't."

"Really? And why's that?" I stalled.

"Because I'm your dear old dad who you love and cherish." I let out a bark of laughter at that one. "Watch it," he warned.

Clamping my lips together, I replied, "How do you know something's going on with me and Morgan anyway?" Mum wouldn't have told him. I didn't even think they were speaking.

"He does talk to his father you know, as do I," he told me.

"Oh... Right..." I mumbled.

"Stop stalling, you've picked now."

"What? No I haven't!" I argued in indignation.

"Yes you have. Curiosity killed the cat, remember?"

"Actually, if I remember correctly, it was you who killed the cat," I teased.

"It wasn't my bloody fault the stupid thing ran under the car while I was backing it out of the driveway," he retorted gruffly. That cat had always been a sore spot.

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