Chapter Two: A new beginning

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"Welcome back ladies, now that you've had the chance to go home and say your good byes we are now going to assign you your own homes that you will stay in until you get assigned your mate." Really does he have to say assigned?

After he got done talking me and Harry were escorted to my home that I will be staying in.

All of the houses were on the property of the "main house" as they call it. They say that it's for our safety but I think it's so if we decide to escape there right there to catch us.

"Ok number twenty this is your house." The very nice lady said as we pulled up to a beutiful house that's to big to hold one person.

"Am I staying here by myself." I asked because like I said it is way to big for it to just be me.

"Yes it will just be for you, Because we know that you girls like your privacy, but there are more houses right behind this little patch of woods." She said pointing into the woods that seperated my space and who ever lives in that house.

"Would you like a tour, Or would you like to explore it o your own?" She asked.

"Umm I think I'll be ok." I said still looking at the house in awe.

"Ok then I'll leave you to it, I wish you the best of luck." She said with a warm smile.

"Thank you." I said returning the smile.

After she left I turned to Harry.

"Where are you staying?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'm right up that little dirt road." He said gesturing to the little dirt road.

"Ok." I said feeling relied that he's not so far away.

"Would you like me to stay and help you unpack?" He asked.

"I think ilk be ok, I've only got a few bags." I said. I only brought a backpack, a duffle bag and a suit case.

"Ok then if you don't need me do you think it's ok that I get home, my kids are waiting."

"Yeah that's fine you don't have to ask." I said smiling at his kindness.

"Thank you ms.Taylor." He said smiling.

"Call me Taylor, ms just makes me seem old." I said laughing.

"Will do." He said with a smile.

Right after ha made sure that I was inside and safe Harry left to go home to his kids.

I took the time to look around.

It had a beutiful kitchen that looked way to fancy to cook in.

The living room was huge. And right to the left there was a door that lead to a game room. I went up the stairs.

There were five doors. I opened the first one and it was a guest bedroom. The next one was a bathroom, then there was another bedroom then a n office space.

Finnaly I opened the last door and it was a huge master bed room. There was a king size bed in the middle, two dressers, a walk in closet and a bathroom.

I look around amazed. Dang u wish I could just stay here and not have to get a mate that I've never met.

Instead of unpacking like I should have I just changed into my night clothes and went to sleep in the very comfy bed.

Picture at the top is the house. I hope you liked the chapter, sorry for any grammar mistakes I was kinda in a hurry. Don't forget to comment and vote😊

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