Chapter Eight: Pure Hell

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I woke up to the horrid sound of my alarm clock.

I look at the time and it read 6:00am. This is ridiculous.

I sigh and get up to take my shower. When I get done with my shower I grab my training clothes which consisted of a black tank top and black athletic shorts.

I grab a granola bar and fill up my water bottle and put extra ice in it.

I pick up by bag and take my phone off the charger and wait for Harry to come.

Once I finish my granola bar I hear a car horn and know that Harry is here

"Good morning Ms.Taylor how are you this morning?" He asked when I got in the car.

I answer with a groan.

"They have you poor girls waking up way to early this year." He stated with a laugh.

"They don't do this every year?" I ask.

"No today, they your alarm clocks set  to go off extra early for a early training so you have enough time for the surprise." He said his eyes fixed on the road.

"These people are crazy." I say with a sigh.

"So what do you have planned today?" I ask wanting to get off of the training topic, just thinking about it is making my muscles ache.

Man......I'm outta shape.

"Today is my daughters birthday." He said with a smile.

"Aww how old is she turning?" I ask

"Nine." He said with his smile growing at the thought of his daughter.

"Aww, tell he I said happy birthday."

"I've told her a little bit about you." He said his smile still remaining.

"Ooh really, what does she think?"

"She said she envys you." He said with his smiling dropping a little.

"Why is that?" What little girl would want this for her future?

"She says that since we have werewolf in our blood were lucky because were guaranteed to have a soul mate and that even if you don't you can have your name drawn." He said now with a straight face.

"Wait she doesn't have a wolf?" Usually kids will get there wolf by age eight.

"No the jean skipped a generation and she didn't get it."

"That's not to bad, shes safe from having to go through with this."

"That's true." He said with the spark back in his eyes.

"I just wish she could understand it more what its really like, not what they tell her." He adds

"Mabey when she's older you can explain it better to her and if you ever need help I'm always here to help."

"Thank you Ms. Taylor." He says with a smile.

After a little bit of comfortable silence we pull into a big clearing.

"Here we are." He says putting the car in park.

"Thank you Harry." I smile.

"Be carfule out there don't hurt the trainers to bad now." He says sternly

"I'll try." I say laughing.

I close the door and walk over to the open field where Emily, some other girls and the trainers were standing.

"I didn't know you were picked." I say what I get to her.

"Yeah I was picked in a different village." She says tiredly.

"The sun isnt even up why are we?" I complain.

"This is so stupid."

"Alright ladies looks like everyone's here so stop your gabering and listen up, today we are going to go through with three things, three mile run, military drill and some defensive tactics." One of the trainers yelled.

We started off the run slow then gained some spread me and Emma kept it slow and stayed in the middle while the other girls who tried to show off by sprinting the first half were now in the back.

The last stretch of the three miles me and Emma had made our way up to the front when a girl who was mabey a year older tried on a branch and fell.

I watched to see as girls passed her they weren't helping.

"Hey I'll catch up I'm gonna help her." I say to Emma before turning around.

"Hey are you ok?" I ask when I reach her.

"Yeah I think I just twisted it." She responds.

"Ok come on I'm gonna help you." I say taking her hand and pulling her up.

"But you'll be last." She says concerned.

"Its ok I'm already dug myself a hole that I'm not getting out of any time soon."

She gives me a questioning look.

I smile and explain it to her on the slow walk to the finish line.

Hi! I'm so sorry it took forever for this update I've been really distracted with school (by the way high school sucks) I've come up with a sceduale for updating. Every Tuesday and Friday. I hope you enjoyed the chapter I mad sure to make it longer for you guys. Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it😊😊

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