Chapter Nineteen: Not Again

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I woke up with the sun shinning through the open curtains.

I look over and see someone standing at my door.

"What the.." I squint my eyes to see who it is

"There is a ball I will be attending tonight and you will a company me."

I notice that voice any where.

"What makes you think I'll go?" I ask tiredly.

"If not I'll have you escorted to Tue dunges myself."

Geesh someone don't get their beauty rest last night.

"Really?" He growled.

Whoops, did I say that out loud?

"Yeah, the ball is tonight, I will have Lilly come hep you with you girl stuff."

"Really, girl stuff?" I laugh.

He let's out a huff.

"Be ready be eight." He says before waliking away.

I groan and lay back down.

Before I had a chance to fall back asleep there was a light knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I ask not getting up.

"I'm Lilly, alpha assigned me to help you in preparation for the ball." A soft voice says.

"So I heard." I say sitting up with a polite smile.

How about you go get some breakfast and then we can start?" She suggest.

"Would you like to joint me?" I ask in need of company for once that's not an asshole.

"Alpha wouldn't approve." She says looking at the ground.

"Screw the alpha, I'll take the blame come one, the chef's make some mean pancakes." I say wriggling my eyebrows.

"Ok, but I don't want the..."

"Don't worry you won't get in trouble, I'll make sure of it." I say reassuringly.

She smiles and joins me in walking to the kitchen.

When we get there two plates of chocolate chip waffles with a strawberry and whip cream on top.

I go over to a plate and start devouring it.

She laughs joining me.

After we finish we head upstairs back to my room to get started.

"Why must we do this so early?" I complain.

"Its gonna take time, now keep looking." She says going through my closet.

Apparently the dresses I bought weren't the right shade.

"You know what, I think I've got something why don't you go grab a shower and I'll go look for it

She runs out and I go to the bathroom to take a shower.

I rinse off and do all the nessisary things before getting out and blow drying my hair.

I through on a pair of athletic shorts and a long sleeve shirt.

"I found it!" She yells running back into the room.

She smiles and holds up a long black form fitting at the top and flared at the bottom and the tol was black lace

"What's up with the top?" I ask pointing at the top which had a deep deep neckline with a lace out line.

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