Chapter Twentie two: The Initiation

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"I don't think we should be doing this." I say for the millionth time.

"If were gonna do this we need to do it right." He responds.

"But with all those people watching, what if I'm not good enough?"

"You are perfect in every way you hear me, if they don't like you then screw than because they are gong to have to get used to you because your not going anywhere." He says sternly.

I take a deep breath and follow him to the awaiting crowd.

Today Slade thought it would be a good idea to tell the pack about us and that I was "his female"

He said if were gonna try out the whole mate thing he thought that his people should know about us.

"Ladies any gentlemen, the alpha king and his mate." Announced the announcer.

I take a deep breath as we enter through the giant double doors.

When we entered all eyes were on us. I could practically hear the comments they were thinking to them selves about me.

We made it to the platform located at the very front so everyone could see, thankfully without me tripping and high fiving the floor.

"Good afternoon." Slade's powerful voice says to the crowd.

"I came here to announce some news, as you've all heard and seen I have been spending most of my time with a certain female." He says looking over at me.

"And she happens to be a very important feature to the pack, esspecialy for the sake of the future of this pack, here standing with me, my mate and the future alpha female queen." His voice booms to the crowd.

And as if they were all programed all at once they started shouting and cheering.

Of course there were a few jealous girls in the crowd who looked disgusted with my presence.

After a few more words Slade leads me to a table that thankfully it only sat the both of us.

Many people came up and congratulated him on finding his mate and wishing us luck.

"There's my boy!" A man shouts coming up to the table.

Slade smiles and stands to meet the man for a hug.

"So I heard this little young lady here is the special one." He smiles patting slade on the back.

"Yes sir." He smiles.

"Well aren't you going to introduce me?"

"Of course, Taylor this is my father Gregory, dad this is Taylor."

"Nice to meet you Mr.Douglas." I smile politely at him.

"No need to call me that Taylor, call me Greg or if your comfortable with it just call me dad." He smiles.

I smile warmly at the the thought of him being so welcoming.


As the sun started to set Slade managed to whisk me away from the crowds for alone time.

"So, what do you think?" He asked when we were in the car.

"Of what?"

"The pack, my dad, everything."

"Feels like I'm gonna be ok here." I smile.

His face turns up into an ear to ear grin.

We make it back to the "house", more like a freaking castle.

"My lady." He says opening the door for me.

I shake my head at his oddness.

"I have a question." I ask when we enter the over sized house.

"Ask away."

"Why did you choose me, why did your wolf claim me?" I ask quietly not meeting his eyes.

Its a question that has been eating away at me ever since the beginning. 

"Because the second I saw you I new you were made for me and my wolf, the thought of any male besides be seeing you, touching you, smelling you, being near you, just made me want to whisk you away from the world and keep you all to myself."

"But why me, there were so many other beautiful girls there."

"Because I don't want them, I wanted you, and I still only want you."

"You were so stubborn, you loved to challenge me which drove my wolf crazy, you stood up and spoke when you didn't like what was happening, no other girl has ever done that, your different you make me feel something that I haven't felt in a long time, that I thought I would never feel again. So stop being insecure because your the only one I will ever want, your beautiful in every way possible."

He gives me a reassuring look before pulling me up the stairs.

"Now, please come take a nap with me, all the food is gonna put me in a food coma."

I smile and follow him up the stairs, to the room to get comfortable in the big warm sheets.

As he drifted to sleep next to me the only thing on my mind was how this man is driving me crazy.

He'll be the death of me with all these damn mood swings.

A random update😊 this took forever to write and I'm so sorry that its been a while. I know this chapter is a little everywhere but I wanted to publish before the holidays. Anyways, I hope you liked it and if you have any ideas of what you would like to happen next comment please. Happy holidays everyone😊🎄

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