Twenty Six: Falling Hard

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It's been hours since I left with Alec to go explore the territory.

I've never seen something so beautiful in my life,  the tall giant trees,  sweet smelling flowers,  frolicking deer and wild life. It's just amazing.

"Alpha says we need to start heading back to the pack house now." Alec says from a few feet behinde me.

If I wouldn't have known him I would have thought that je was a stalker or something nevaseu he was always behind me.

I nod my head and make the journey back to the pack house.


"How was your adventure?" Slade asks when we enter the pack house.

"I've never seen land that beautiful before." I exaggerate.

"We should start getting ready,  we have to leave in an hour." He responds smiling at me.

"You seem happy today." I laugh.

"Only becasue I got the most beautiful girl to go on a date with me." He smiles.

I laugh then go to my room to get ready.

I finish getting ready when Slade knocks on my door.

"You ready yet beautiful?" Slade asked me from the other side of the door.

"Yes." I respond quickly.

"You look beautiful." Slade smiles warmly at me when I greet him.

"You don't look to bad yourself either." I smile.

"Let's go." He says holding out his hand to claso with mine.

We drove for two hours and me being the little kid I am asked if we we're there yet a million times,  probably annoying the hell out of Slade,  but hey I needed to know.

The reasturant was so cute and cozy but at the same time screamed only rich people can eat here.

"Can't we just go to McDonald's or something?" I asked when he opened the door to the car for me.

"I did not just drive three hours with you asking me if we we're her a million times to here that." He laughs.


"Its fine,, I just wanted to treat you to the best of the best." He smiles.

"Who are you?"

"Very funny,  now come on." He says leading me into the restaurant.

"Slade there all staring." I whisper as the waiter was leading us to our table.

"Because your beautiful." He whispers back making me blush.

We get seated at the booth and while Slade orders the drinks I take my time looking over the menu.

Literally everything here is over priced,  even the salads we're twenty bucks.

"This is to much." I say to Slade putting my menu down giving up.

"If you don't order then I'll do it for you." He responds not looking up from his menu.

"But its so expensive." I argue.

"Taylor,  do you really think I would have picked this place if I cared about money?" He sighs.

"No,  but I refuse to order from a menu that expensive." I huff.

"Then I'll order for you." He responds.

"And if I don't like it?" I say crossing my arms.

"Then you'll go hungry." He shfugs his shoulders.

We'll that went from zero to a hundred reall quick.

The waiter comes over and Slade orders in my opinion the most expensive things on the menu,  which I think he did on purpose.

After a while of silence and watching other people laugh and talk the waiter comes back with the over expensive food and refills our drinks.

Against my own protests I ended uo eating the meal that he had ordered then he paid the bill and we got up to leave.

"Thks was supposed to be a date,  I'm sorry." Slade says when we get in the car.

"Why are you sorry?" I question.

"My temper go the best of me and I got mad for something stupid that I should have just let go." He sighs.

"It was partially my fault,  I shouldn't have whined like a two year old."

"But that's just how you are and I should no that by now instead of getting mad when this is supposed to be a good night."

"What's dine is done and let's just focuse on now and move on." I suggest.

"That sounds like a good idea." He smiles.

"I still want my McDonald's though." I laugh.

"So demanding woman." He says joining my laughter.

The rest of the car ride was filled with me cracking jokes and making Slade,  and myslef laugh.


We got home and I,  with my amazing skills,  convinced slade to watch a movie with me before bed.

I ended up picking fat Albert.

"This movie makes no sense." Slade complains half way through the movie.

"It doesn't have to make sense, for you to like it." I say back.

He goes silent,  but ruins it like ten seconds later.

"I'm cold." Slade whispers in my ear.

"Go get a blanket."

"But there all the way upstairs."

I pause the movie and look at him.

"Do you want me to go get them?"

"No." He responds.

I look at him confused. This man is something else.

He motions for me to scoot closer, so I do,  but with caution.

When I'm close enough he pulls me to him and wraps me up in his arms and rests his head on mine.

"Better?" I ask after he gets comfortable.


What did the universe stick me with because I'm gonna need a handbook.

I hope you liked the chapter,  if you did don't forget to comment or leave a like😊😊

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