Chapter Seven: Im So Screwed

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As we were having our little staring contest I heard Eric call my name.

"Taylor no!"

I turn around to see him running towards me. 

"I'm so sorry alpha she didn't k ow that you were an alpha." He said franicaly.

Wait this guy was an alpha, no way this ass wipe.

"Keep your little student here in line, next time there wont be anyone her to save her."he said glaring at me.

"Can we go please Ive had enough of this place." I asked Eric.

"Let me go find Emma, here are the keys go wait in the car." He said sternly.

I thanked him and took the keys. I walked out but not be for throwing a glare at Mr.alpha

After a few minutes a very mad looking Eric came out with Emma trailing behinde him.

"What the hell!" He asked when he got into Tue drivers seat.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You just mouthed off to one of the most powerful alphas!"

"And, he threw me in the ground and then expected me to say sorry." I say getting mad.

I get Eric is important but come on really.

"Its your funeral." He said sighing and starting the car. 

"Ohhh, I'm so scared." I say pretending to be scared.

This is nothing compared to the things I've been through in my life time I can surely handle this and what ever he decides to throw at me.

"Dang, my little Taylor is growing up and learning so fast." Emma said wiping a pretend tear away.

"Drop it, I don't want to hear another word about this do you understand me?" Eric said still focused in the road with a stern voice.

"Someones mad they don't get laid." Emma said just loud enough for us to hear.

I could see his jaw clench and his grip on the steering wheel tighten.

The rest of the ride was silent, me and emma were to scared to say anything.

After what seemed like an eternity Eric finally pulled into the drive way of my designated house.

I got out and waved a goodbye to Emma and walked up to the porch.

I unlocked the door and walked into my humble abode.

What to do now? I ask myself. 

I smile and walk over to the speakers hooked up to the surround sound and plugged in the ox cord to play my favorite song "say you wont go" by James author on full blast.

Since I don't get food at the club I decided to warm up some ramon noodles I found in the cabinets.

While waiting for the water to boil I started to dance around resulting in me almost burning the water. Yes only me can burn water.

I pour the noodles in and only in a few munustes they softened and formed ibot deliciluse noodles.

I grabbed a bowl and poured the noodles in and started eating.

I went upstairs still able to hear the music and changed into my pajamas.

And finished my roman noodles turned of the music washed the dishes and went to get some beauty sleep because god knows what's gonna happen tomorrow during training.

Whatever bring it in alpha boy

Yay another update!! I hope you guys like it, I'm running out of ideas so if you have any ideas for the next chapter please comment or message me and I will give you full credit for it!!! Don't forget to vote if you liked😊😊

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