Chapter Five: Show Off

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"Hey Taylor that was a pretty good fight out there." Eric said coming into my room.

Eric is one of the trainers here.

"Thanks." I say with a smile.

"A bunch of us are going to the club to celebrate surviving the first day." He sais putting his hands in his pockets.

"I don't know, its been a long day and in tired from the fight." I say shaking my head.

"Please, I wold really like it if I at least I knew a person there." He begged.

"I don't have anything to wear." I say protesting.

"Well I have someone that can help."

"Who?" I ask.

"My sister."

"Ok I guess." I say defeated.

"I'll go get her." He says running off.

I take a deep breath in, I've never really been out, I know hard to believe a teen that has never been to a party. I guess im just not that type.

"Eric told me the good news!" Emma, Eric's sister says running into my room.

"Yeah, but I don't have any experience with this kinda stuff." I say nervously

"This is gonna be fun." She said with a scary smile. 

In return I gave her a please don't hurt me look

"Go take a shower and I'll set everything up." She said clapping her hands 

I grab a shirt and some athletic shorts and go to the bathroom.

I set the water at the right temperature and brush thorough my knotted hair.

After a good scrub put on my clean clothes and brushed through my again tangled hair.

Once I'm done I put everything back in its designated spot and go back into my room.

Once I step out side the bathroom I see that Emma has set out many outfits covered up my mirror with a blanket and had some music.

"Welcome to Emma's rachet hair salon come and have a seat and let me make you look pretty." She said chewing imaginary gum.

I laughed and sat down in the chair and she got to work.

"You have the most beautiful hair in the entire world, I mean not any body can rock this colored hair." She says while brushing thorigh my hair.

A few months ago I decided to dye my hair blue and then after a little while it decided to fade into a really pretty pastell blue looking color

After a while my hair was done and we moved onto makeup.

"Ok I'm gonna go with a light look, kinda keep the innocent look." She said taking a nude lip stick and smearing it on my lips.

Once we were done with makeup she told me to pick out one of the outfits that she laid out earlier.

I look over them and try to pick the most Conservative one. I ended up picking a black long sleeve kind of low crop top and a skirt.

I go to my closet and put on the out fit.

Geeze this is way to hard, I think trying to pull the shirt over my head without smearing the makeup. See now when evrsyone asks me why I don't wear it this is why and becuas im just to lazy.

I walk out and Emma smiles.

"What?" I ask insinctivly making sure the skirt wasn't up or my shirt was pulled all the way down.

"You look amazing Taylor!" She said breathlessly.

I smile and walk over to the now in uncovered mirror. 

The girl looking back at me in the mirror is not me at all.

She has bright hazel eyes, defined cheek bones plump lips, beautifully curled hair and she looked pretty.

"Wow." I say to myself.

"Come on guys were leaving hurry up or well leave without you!" Eric yells from beginde the closed door.

I turn and look at Emma who was now ready to go.

"Let's do this." She says with a smile.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to give and comment if you liked it😊😊

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