Chapter Six:Oh My

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"Finnally I thought you were never" Eric stopped mid sentence when he turned and saw us standing behind him.

"Wow you look amazing." He said staring at us.

"Eww stop it your drooling ." Emma said I'm discust which sent me into a fit of giggles.

"Ohh be quiet." Eric said with red cheeks.

"Oh Mr.Tomato head." I say making Emma join my laughter.

"What ever let's just go." He said grabbing his keys and waling out the door.

I smiled at Emma and followed behind Eric.

We got into the car and started the drive to the club.

I can't believe that im doing this, just a few days ago I was an innocent girl and now I'm going out to a club.

After a while we pulled into a parking lot of what looked like a wear house.

"Umm is this the club?" I ask uneasy.

"Yeah its a private one, the owner is an alpha and he doesn't like outsiders to come in so he put the club inside a wear house." Eric explained.

"Wait since the owner is an alpha does that mean that there will he alphas their?"

"Yup." Eric said nodding.

"How do you know the difrence?" I ask.

"Their Ora will ooze power." Emma  said smiling.

"You'll be fine just don't make one upset." Eric said reassuring.

"What will happen?" I ask.

"I'm tired of all the questions can we please go in and dance?" Emma asked squirming like abtwo year old who had to much sugar.

"Yeah come on let's go get our groove on." Eric said with a smile.

I returned the smile and started to get out of the car.

We walked up he the entrance where two huge dudes were standing guard.

Eric nods and they opened up the entrance.

When we walked in the speakers were blasting music and there were people every where some were dancing some were making out.

I follow behind Emma and Eric squeezing in between grinding bodies trying to make it to the bar.

"I really don't like this." I say once we sit on some bar stools.

"You'll be ok come on loosen up a bit have a drink or dance." Emma said wriggling her eye brows.

I shake my head and laugh at her.

"You'll loosen up after a few drinks I promise." Eric said with a smile.

"I dont drink." I said smiling back at him.

"Boo your a loser." Emma said sticking her tounge out at me.

How did I end up with such a childish friend?

"You'll still have fun, come on let's go dance." Eric said taking my hand and attempting to pul me onto the dance floor.

"Mhhhh fine." I whined.

"Atta girl let's go have some fun." Emma said laughing.

I ended up dancing for I can't even remember. After the first song with Eric trying to dance along to somo I loosened up and started to have loads of fun.

"I'm gonna go get water!" I shout over the music to Emma.

I shove through the sweaty bodies trying not to get knocked down.

Right as I was about to emerge from the giant crowd some rude person flew into me knocking me face first into the ground.

"Hey watch it dick wad!" I yell once I stand and get my bearings.

I look up and I'm met with some very angry green eyes.

He tilts his head with a very mad look.

"Excuse me?" He ask despite his expression in a very calm tone.

"I said watch it." I snapped. Who does he think he is I mean you can't just throw people on the ground and get mad at them iean what did I do, I just wanted some water for goodness sake!

"Mabey you should watch your tone." He said is voice getting angry.

"Or what?" I challenge.

Yayyy an update and I left you at a cliff hanger! I wonder what will happen. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please comment and vote😊😊

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