Chapter Sixteen: Pissed

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"Wake up were going to the gym." Someone says barging into my room.

I ignore the voice and rollover so only my back is facing whoever the intruder is.

I hear a sigh then all of a sudden the blanket is being ripped off of me.

I get up growling ready to pounce on who ever made me wake up.


"Go away asshole." I say throwing my pillow at him.

He chuckled.

"Get up were leaving for the gym in twenty minutes." He says while leaving the room.

Bipolar ass.

I groan and get up.

I put my hair up in a "what the hell I'm tired" bun and throw on my training clothes.

I walk down the stairs and see him waiting at the door.

"Look sleeping beast decided to wake up." He says sarcastically

I roll my eyes and walk out the door to the waiting car.

"Why is it so important to wake me up at five in the morning to make me go to the gym with you?" I ask pissed off.

"Someone's not a morning person, and since your not training anymore you will be coming to the gym with me from now on to stay in shape." He explained.

"I don't want to be here, let alone follow you around all morning." I roll my eyes.

"Watch it." He snapped.

"Or what?" I challenge.

He growls and looks the other way.

"Going back to middle school and giving me the silent treatment, very mature." I laugh sarcastically.

The rest of the ride was silent.

We arrive at the gym and he goes straight to the bench press. I make sure to go the opposite way and went to the tread mills.

As I'm jogging I hear a voice call my name.


I turn the machine off and turn around to see who it was.

I gasp and run into his arms.

"Hey cutie booty, I missed you." Eric says wrapping his arms around me.

I pull away and smile.

"I missed you to, how's Emma?" I ask.

"Oh wow haven't seen each other in two weeks and all you ask is how Emma's doing." He says sarcasticlly.

"I'm sorry, how are you doing Eric." I giggle.

"Very well since I'm getting to talk to my cutie booty." He smile.

I laugh and go to hug him again.

When he puts his arms around me a growl rips through the air.

I roll my eyes as Eric pulls away almost immediately.

"I'm sorry alpha." He bows his head.

"What do you want Slade." I ask angrily.

"She's mine." He says grabbing me and pulling me to him.

"Let go you jealous bastard." I yell trying to get out of his hold.

I look to Eric for help but only see that he was already ordered to leave.

"He's my friend you ass hole." I say when he let's go.

"Well he shouldn't have been touching you like that." He growls.

"I wouldn't have been hugging him if you wouldnt have taken me away from him in the first place!" I say snapping.

"I took you away because your mine!" He yells.

"No I'm not stop saying that!"

"Your mine and I'm supposed to take care of you and care for you."

"Well ripping me away from my parents, my friends and my family isn't very caring Slade and if it weren't for your hormonal bipolar shit head I would have had to be in the stupid "auction" being sold to stupid alphas who only want me as their slave!" I yell.

I could tell that the last part pissed him off even more, but I don't care, he needs to see what he's doing to me.

I walk outside and see the car waiting so I open the door and climb in it.

After a few minutes the driver speaks

"Alpha said to go ahead and bring you back with out him." He states while pulling out of the gym.

Thank god.


A few short hours later I'm laying down in the bed wide awake at three in the morning wanting to go home.

I wish none of this happened, I wish that I was never picked and that I was still at home in the dinning room having a family game night.

Why me, what did I ever do to you? I silently ask the moon goddess.

If there was a reason I was picked to be with and alpha.

Why Slade, the most brutal cold hearted alpha king that has ever ruled.

Sorry if this chapter seems a little boring I kinda thought of this last minute. I hope you liked i don't forget to vote😊😊

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