Tony Perry

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"Come on (Y/N), we're going to eat." My boyfriend Tony called from the front of the tour bus.
"You go ahead. I'm not feeling too great." I shouted back. Vic shot me a small frown, but I paid no attention to it.
Tony shrugged and headed off the bus with the guys. I sighed in relief and lifted my aching body towards the bathroom where I kept it hidden, my only saviour - my blade.
Lifting my shirt over my head I looked into the mirror and took in my semi-naked form. My rib cage was showing, my collar bones jutted out of my chest and my hip bones looked as if they could tear through my skin, but all I could see was fat. I was disgusting.
My eyes landed on my left wrist, previously hidden under the sleeve of my shirt, now exposed to the air. It was littered with red lines over lapping one another, creating ugly scarlet patterns on my skin.
My hand fumbled for the blade and I closed my eyes as I brought it towards my wrist again, waiting for the familiar sting of the cuts.
"(Y-Y/N)" I heard someone gasp from behind me breaking me from my haze. I spun around, dropping the blade, praying it wasn't Tony, anyone but Tony. He'd leave me if he knew how much of a coward I was.
Instead I was greeted with the familiar face of my best friend Vic. His eyes were red, threatening to spill over with tears.
His breathing faltered as I faced him completely, letting him see my horrific body.
"Vic" I breathed and he closed the gap between us, taking my frail body into his arms, letting me sob into his shoulder.
After my breathing gradually slowed and my sobs subsided, he picked up my shirt and handed it to me. He grabbed my hand and took me into the back lounge where we sat opposite each other.
"Tell me everything." And I did, right from the beginning. Explaining the reasons behind my cutting and my eating habits was never easy for me, to anyone, but Vic was a great listener.
"I noticed you weren't eating a lot so I stayed back to confront you about it. I'm glad I did. Have you told anyone else?" I shook my head no. "You need to tell the guys (Y/N), especially Tony. He's completely in love with you. He cares so much."
"I know I'm just scared he'll leave me." I barely whispered, my head hanging in shame.
"He'd never do that." He reassured me.
"Okay I'll do it."
Laughter filled the previously silent bus. The guys were back.
The joy soon halted when they walked into the back lounge to see our faces, mine contorted with fear and Vic's with worry.
"Everything alright guys?" Mike asked from behind Jaime.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I looked up to Tony, tears brimming my eyes yet again.
Instead of answering his question, I simply stood up and took my shirt off exposing my brittle skin, and my decorated wrist.
Their faces fell.
"Why didn't I notice?" Tony asked himself.
By this time everyone was silently crying. I was wrapped up into Tony's strong arms and felt the other boys join until we were one huge group of bodies.
"This feels like the start of a strange movie seen" Jaime interjected after a while, eyeing my naked torso causing us all let out small teary giggles.
Tony's tattooed arms surrounded me as we lay in his bunk enjoying the sounds of our steady breathing. My head laid on his chest, listening to his heart beat.
"I love you (Y/N)" He smiled down at me.
"I love you too Tony" I smiled back. He looked directly into my eyes as he lifted my limp wrist and placed soft feather light kisses along each of my scars.
"You're beautiful." Hot salty tears ran down my cheeks but this time in joy. At last I had finally found some shreds of

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