Zack Merrick & Alex Gaskarth

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Prompt: Zack is my brother and Alex is my boyfriend. I'm at home while they are on tour, and my biological mother is abusive. So I cut on my sides to avoid having people see. Zack comes home in the middle of it, and gets Alex to come and help. (I summed it up, you will see the detail come as your read on!)

*ATTENTION! This is a personal preference, Allie is the main character. Just replace Allie with Y/N and boom! You have a preference!*

"Honestly, Allie is an ungrateful little bitch! Zack is sooooo my favourite child."

Reading stuff like that isn't easy. I mean, I guess you could brush it off if it was a fan, but when it's done by your own mother? Even worse.

I would rather take one million hate comments over one comment from my mother. She has been nothing but abusive since Zack started going all over with his band.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love the boys! Especially Alex. We have been dating for a little over a year. But, he still doesn't know about my mom. Zack doesn't necessarily believe it, I think it's because he doesn't want to have to take me on tour with him.

I finally get out of bed and walk towards my personal bathroom. I grab my razor and begin my newest art piece. Called, "my own mother hates me" by Allie.

I cut on my sides, just because I find it easier to hide. People check your arms and your thighs, but they would never assume your sides.

"Hey Allie! It's me, open up in there!" Zack must have come home early.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"One minute!" I yell back, cursing at myself trying to wipe away any evidence.

"Come on, I'm your brother. I have seen it all Al!"

Al, I love when he calls me that.

I pause for a moment, then I hear the door clicking open.

"Allie?" Zack stops in his tracks.

"Zack, please leave." I don't dare look him in the eye.

"What did you do Al?" He pauses then grabs my arm.

You wince as he stares as the brand new cuts.

"I didn't want you to find out.." you sit down on the bathroom floor and start crying. You weren't necessarily sad, just mad you had let him find out.

"You need help love.." Zack breaks the silence.

"I'm going to call Alex, you need him right now." Zack walks out of the bathroom and grabs a towel to clean up the blood.

"Allie? Zack? Where are you guys?" I hear the front door open and Alex's voice.

"Bathroom, upstairs." Zack answers back.

You really didn't want Alex to see you in this state, but it was too late now.

"Oh Allie, why would you do that to yourself? We are always here for you. You could have called, texted, anything! We would have came." He starts getting choked up near the end. I just start crying more.

"It's just, mom is insane. She always talks about how Zack is the golden child and how I will never amount to anything. I couldn't take anymore of it. I didn't think you guys would believe me." I finally admit.

"Zack, we can leave her here..we have to take her with us, man." Alex looks at Zack with hopeful eyes.

"We can, but only if you want too.." Zack starts.

"I wouldn't want to be a burden.." I reply.

"Never would my girlfriend or my best friends little sister be a burden." Alex answers firmly.

I slowly stand up and go towards my room, I want to pack a few things before I go. I would be lying if I said leaving was easy, but it is going to help in the long run.

I turn around to see Alex standing outside my bedroom door, with Zack's old, kind of broken guitar.

He starts strumming one of my old favourites, "Remembering Sunday."

"I don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl" as he recites that line, he looks at me up and down.

I couldn't ask for better people in my life. My amazing brother and my more amazing boyfriend.

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