Patty Walters

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You moved the blade slowly down your wrist, the feeling burning through you. Tears streamed down your cheeks.
Sometimes you didn't quite understand why you endured the blood, and the pain, and the burning; but the answer was obvious, because you believed you deserved it. You believed you deserved the pain.

So, you moved the blade deeper into your skin, watching as the blood trickled down your wrist and drops landed on your clothes. You winced in pain, trying your hardest not to scream out. But you couldn't stop yourself.

Now you were sobbing and screaming, the pain growing sharper and sharper the closer to the vein you got. Part of you wanted it to end, but the other part of you needed to continue.

"Y/N!" a voice called. "Holy fuck..."

You spun around, not expecting to see Patty behind you, his eyes following the trail of blood creeping down your wrist. The bloody razor dropped out of your shaky hand, and onto the ground where drips of blood sank into the carpet.

Patty Walters was your best friend of three years, but he was the last person you wanted to see right now. He didn't know, you never wanted him to know. You didn't want to upset him.

"Patty..." You said, your voice barely above a whisper. "What are you doing here?"

"It..." Patty said, his voice hitching. "It doesn't matter." His eyes didn't move form the blood, "What the fuck are you doing to yourself...?"

You didn't answer; you didn't need to. The broken look in Patty's eyes already knew. You looked away almost instantly; it was too painful to stare.
Patty's eyes were laced with tears; you and him had been best friends for years now, you had kept it from him ever since the day you met... and now that he knew, he looked heartbroken.

"I'm sorry..." You sobbed, tears pouring down your cheeks. "I'm so sorry Patty... I didn't want to tell you... I didn't want to see you hurt like this..."

Patty didn't say a word, he just crossed over to you, hugging your body close to him; his one arm wrapped around your body, stroking your back, and the other stroking your hair while you cried.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Patty repeated. His hands were shaking, and tears were starting to fall down his cheeks now "You don't have to apologize... it's okay..."

Eventually, he pulled away, looking down at the blood on your skin, "How long have you been doing that to yourself?"

"A few years..." You confessed, still teary-eyed.

"I'm sorry you've felt that way..." He replied, his voice growing soft and quiet.
"Me too..."

"Hey," Patty put a hand on yours, "Can you make me a promise?" he questioned while ripping off part of his shirt to wrap up the wound.

You were a little confused, what could Patty possibly want you to promise right now? "Okay, what is it?" You asked while he wrapped the fabric around your wrist.

"Whenever you get the feeling to do this..." Patty looked up and into your eyes, "You call me. And no matter what time of day, no matter what I'm doing, I'll come over."

You smiled a little, "Okay... I promise. Thank you, Patty."

Patty didn't respond, instead he leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips; surprising you. However, you kissed back; a final tear running down your cheek.

"I love you, Y/N." Patty confessed, his voice in a whisper.
"I love you too."

And for the first time in a long time, you actually felt like someone meant it.
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