Chapter 1- Bittersweet Days

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 Chapter 1

A few years later

“Hi, Kayleigh,” smiled Christina as her old friend gave her a hug. She sat down, the pink duvet cover sagging a little. Pink; like everything else in Christina's room. She's nothing like her  music, thought Kayleigh as she looked around Christina's new space, painted in subtle shades of pink and lilac, lace and frills adorning every corner of the room.

“Hi, Christy,” Kayleigh said.

“So, your career is getting better I gather?” grinned Christina.

“Have you seen my new music video?” Kayleigh said disbelievingly, “It’s a disaster,”

“What are you talking about?” Christina said, “You’ve got a million hits…”

“I know, but the song,” said Kayleigh, “Its terrible. All pop and ‘Oh Baby’ intervals. I can’t stand the sound of it. And they put me in pink and sequins to perform it.”

“Yes, but its already more famous than all your previous songs put together,” said Christina sensibly.

“But I don’t want to be famous like that,” sighed Kayleigh, “For being someone I’m not,”

“As in, a pop star?” asked Christina sceptically,  her head cocked to one side.

“Yes,” shrugged Kayleigh, sitting down, “I wanted to be a rock star,” she sighed wistfully.

“We don’t always get what we want,” Christina agreed sadly.

“How would you know, Christy? You are famous, and you love what you do,” Kayleigh pointed out.

“Excuse me?” asked Christina incredulously, “Both my once-equals, Britney and Justin, are more famous than me. Britney ‘Diva Princess of Pop’. Justin, ‘Prince of Pop’. And where am I in the happy family of pop? Nowhere! I’m just good old Christina, always handy for a nostalgia binge.”

“That’s not true,” protested Kayleigh, but Christina gave her a look.

“Ok, maybe it’s a little bit true,” agreed Kayleigh, “But neither am I. So me and you will just have to cope.”

“Whatever,” shrugged Christina, “That brings us back to your painfully pink new video,”

“So, yes, that so that song, ‘Love is my neighbour’ like what the hell!” said Kayleigh, warming to the theme, “I’ve never been in love my entire life!!

“True,” conceded Christina.

“And I hate pop music. Why couldn’t I just re-release Black as Snow with a video?” said Kayleigh, frustrated.

“Its old now,” Christina said.

“Well, I could’ve written another one,” Kayleigh said, “anything but those unbearable pink pop songs.”

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