Chapter 4- "The Real Me,"

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Chapter 4

Kayleigh stood backstage as Dawn lectured her and the stylist tweaked her outfit, the makeup artist reapplied blush, the hairdresser sprayed Kayleigh’s hair into a solid blonde ponytail. And to think she couldn’t be bothered getting changed when she got up in the morning.

“Kayleigh, I know it’s an open-air concert, and the weather isn’t the best to be wearing a pink leotard, but you’ve just got to not show how cold you are. Remember, you’re on stage in twenty minutes, so don’t do anything to break your calm. You know the lyrics, you know the dance. Just do your best, dear.” Dawn said, looking at Kayleigh proudly now that she was finally succeeding.

“Sure, ma’am,” Kayleigh said wryly, making Dawn immediately frown again.

“No need for that sarcasm,” Dawn said, “Now, shoo. I’ve got things to do.”

Kayleigh grinned and turned away from Dawn. Finally, a chance to go find Deidra.

Kayleigh wandered through the around the twenty first century campsite of portacabins. Many of the acts were rehearsing quietly. When news had spread that both Kayleigh Harrans and Loveless Murder were preforming, many fans of both artists had showed up, and the crowd was a huge one. Not to mention Justin Timberlake had tweeted last week to announce he was coming to hand out the awards. None of the performers could afford to make any mistakes.

Ignoring the strange looks a neon-pink leotard with silver accents naturally drew, Kayleigh wandered in and out of people practicing. She relished the atmosphere of it. This was what singing was about. Singing was supposed to be an art, and not just another way for today’s society to sell sex. And here, where everyone had to pull together to make something beautiful for the crowd, was the very essence of what had made Kayleigh fall in love with music in the first place.

Not to mention she was in Greentown, her home city. The nature that had named the town was rampant around this huge field. Strawberry bushes grew to Kayleigh’s right, grass grew to her mid-calves and wetted them with dew.

“Little Miss I’m-The-Best,” Deidra smirked out of nowhere, coming up behind her, “Ready to get your ass kicked?”

“Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, you know,” Kayleigh said innocently, “But, yes, I do indeed suggest you start getting ready to get your ass kicked.”

“You think you’re so smart,” Deidra said.

“Smarter than you? Hell yeah.”

Deidra shook her head, “Oh, little Kayleigh. Poor you. You’ll never succeed as a rock star. I mean, just look at my costume, and look at yours.”

Kayleigh declined the invitation to look at her own costume, but glanced at Deidra’s. She was wearing a black, strapless knee length dress of chiffon and lace, with a velvet bodice under a ribbon-tied corset. Black fishnets covered her lower legs, and she wore high-heeled black ankle boots.  It was a classic rock goddess outfit.

“And where’s the rest of your band?” Kayleigh snarled.

“Hey, guys, I want to introduce you to someone!” Deidra called into the darkness. A few moments later, four guys emerged out of the darkness.

“Guys, this is Kayleigh Harrans, the pop singer. Kayleigh, this is the rest of my band, meet Jeff.” She said, gesturing to Jeff. He was tall, with shoulder length black hair that flicked over his left eyes in a dramatic side fringe, his eyes were ringed with eyeliner, and he wore all black.

“Hi, Kayleigh.” Jeff said, his eyes immediately dropping to her exposed legs from the skimpy pink leotard. What a douchebag.

Kayleigh shook his hand quickly, and dropped it.

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