Chapter 5- Do It Your Way

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Chapter 5

Kayleigh stood under the hot lights, her makeup beginning to stream at the corners from the warmth. She looked sideways at Deidra, standing onstage next to her. On her right, more young artists were assembled, all united in their hope for the title of ‘The Greentown Music Festival Award of Excellence’. The words Justin was speaking into the microphone blurred before they reached her ears, so fast was Kayleigh’s heart beating as it flailed out the sea of adrenaline that was still only just starting the process of leaving her body. She focused her blue eyes on Justin’s back as he talked to the crowd. It was like no time had gone by at all.

“In that case, I’d like to present Kayleigh Harrans as Greentown Music Festival’s Award of Excellence!”

Deidra’s jaw tensed as Kayleigh walked out to collect her award. Justin’s hand brushed Kayleigh’s and a few years ago Kayleigh would have said there was a flare of electricity, but now she dimly noted how soft his skin was. Justin handed her award with a smile, and Kayleigh took it with an equally bright smile, playing to the cameras she knew were trained on her. She felt Justin’s arms go round her, his mouth brushing her cheek in a quick kiss that made her entire body shiver.

“Thank you all so much for this honour,” Kayleigh said into the microphone sweetly, her mind screaming fake, fake, fake! Say something real, you conformist freak! “This is truly a dream come true for me. I’m so happy to be given this award, and it’s all thanks to all my brilliant fans.  I couldn’t have done it without you,” A huge cheer rolled through the night, and Kayleigh waited for it to end before she continued, “I hope you all liked my new song, The Real Me,” she said, finally breaking free from the scripted speech Dawn had given to her earlier. “I’d like everyone to know that it was dedicated to a very special Justin Timberlake, who happens to be standing right next to me.” Kayleigh turned to Justin, putting down the microphone. She gave him a glare only he could read before striding offstage with her award.

Deidra walked to the wings of the stage as the lights dimmed, her cheeks red with shame as she faced her manager, her band mates beside her. “Let’s take five outside, guys,” said her manager, shaking his head.

Deidra unwillingly followed her, James falling into step next to her and squeezing her hand. Deidra snatched her hand away and walked faster till she reached ‘backstage’ of the outdoor stage. She breathed in the late night Greentown air, smiling a little despite the situation.

“Guys,” said her manager again, snapping Deidra back to her senses.

“What, Ann?” asked Jax from Deidra’s left, his black eyebrows raised.

“You all know what,” Ann answered sharply, “You were all off. Deidra, you came into the song late. Josh, you missed your cue on the second verse. James, you visibly forgot the song. Jeff, just stop checking out the girls in the audience.”

Deidra clenched her teeth, “Ann, don’t you think we were even a bit ok?”

“No,” Ann replied immediately, “You let Kayleigh and her pathetic little ‘The Real Me’ song throw you off your game. You’ll never really beat Kayleigh Harrans this way, Deidra. And you five will never be the best rock band this way.”

“It isn’t even about beating Kayleigh, is it?” burst out Deidra angrily, “It’s your way to get back at Kayleigh’s manager.”

Ann flushed, “Indeed, I may want to beat Dawn, but that’s none of you concern, Deidra. I am making you lot superstars, and that’s what you want.”

“We pay your bills,” Deidra shot, ignoring the nudge James gave her.

Ann stiffened. “Whatever. Watch your mouth, Deidra. Now, let’s get on the coach and maybe by tomorrow this will just be a nightmare.”

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