Chapter 16- "Tell her I love her,"

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 Chapter 16

Kayleigh stared at Emmy, “What do you mean?”

“I mean what I said,” tears began to pour out of Emmy’s eyes, “My mother is dead.”

“Justin…?” Kayleigh turned to her side.

Justin couldn’t look her in the eye, “Sorry, Kayleigh.”

“How could you? It was your fault all those years ago, it’s not my fault that I had E-” Kayleigh bit back her words as Justin glared at her sharply, cutting her off. Emmy was sitting watching them through her tears.

“Emmy, sweetheart, don’t cry,” Kayleigh picked Emmy up, dabbing the corners of her tears with her skirt hem. Justin watched them both, a complicated mixture of love, anger, worry and happiness swirled in his eyes.

“My…Mother’s….dead….” Emmy wailed, “I don’t have a mother, and daddy hates me. And now you’re trying to take mommy’s place!”

“I’m not, sweetie,” Kayleigh soothed Emmy, stroking her hair gently, “I’m not.”

“You were sleeping with daddy,” Emmy sniffed.

The accusing look in Emmy’s eyes pierced Kayleigh’s soul. “I’m sorry, Em. I really am,”

Justin got up, his voice was stern. “Emmy, go to bed.”



Emmy began to cry again but scuttled upstairs.

“Kayleigh,” he said, taking her hand.

“No!” Kayleigh turned away, now that they weren’t in front of Emmy she wasn’t going to act anymore, “You told Emmy I was dead?”

“She asked who her mom was, okay? I told her she didn’t have one. She was one year old, so twenty-one months after we broke up. You’d left me, and I was angry. I’m sorry, okay?”

“No, it’s not okay! I can’t believe you said that!”

“Listen, Kayleigh!” snapped Justin, taking her arm roughly and pulling her face close.

“What?” she countered defiantly, though her stomach was pulsing.

“I loved you,” he said honestly, and when she opened her mouth her kept talking, “I still do. I couldn’t stand you going out with that asshole Finn so I tried to get you to go out with me, and, well, maybe a bit more. But if you think Finn liked you then you’re deluding yourself. There was only one thing he was after.”

“Se-” began Kayleigh, but Justin cut her off.

“No, not sex. Fame. We all knew you were going to be famous, Kayleigh. From that moment in first grade when you sang The Lord is my Shepard for the first time in assembly, we knew. As did Finn. He didn’t go out with you because he loved you; he dated you because you were going to be his fifteen minutes of fame.”

“That’s not trying to be famous, he said…”

“He said a whole lot of things, but how do you know he meant them?”

“I don’t…” she stared at the ground, her hair falling either side of her face.

He brushed her hair away, “Finn wanted your looks, your talent. He honestly didn’t love you.”

Kayleigh pushed Justin away, “That’s not true,” she said, glaring at him, “He killed himself because I had Emmy.”

“He was a sad loser. He  was just jealous, and knew you wouldn’t ever become famous if you were a teen mom. He wasn’t to know that you would choose your career over Emmy.”

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