Chapter 13- "You really don't know me,"

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Chapter 13

“So, you made out with Justin?” Daniel asked coldly, his eyes scanning Kayleigh’s visage as she leaned against the table.

“Um, yes,” Kayleigh swallowed anxiously, biting her lips hard. She drew patterns in the white and back chequered ground with her toe, “You know, after all, we do share a child.”

“Emmy, or should I say your girl Jessica?”

“Emmy. We’re not going to tell her that she’s my daughter. She doesn’t know her name’s Jessica.”

“Wow, you’re a nasty piece of work, Kayleigh,” Daniel looked disgusted. “This girl will grow up without a mother, all because you don’t want to risk your career. You’re worse than I thought.” His lip curled as he surveyed her.

“I had my reasons,” protested Kayleigh.

“Yeah. So did Hitler,” spat Daniel, turning on his heels and stalking away from Kayleigh.

Kayleigh screwed her face up as he turned away. “Well, that escalated quickly,” she muttered, picking up her handbag from next to her foot.

Her phone rang, and the steady beat of Justin’s ringtone, The One That Got Away by Katy Perry resounded through the room. The song had been Britney’s untactfully literal choice a few years ago.

Tapping the ‘accept call’ icon on the screen, Kayleigh sat on the table, hugging her handbag and pressing her phone to her ear.

“Hey, Kayleigh?” Justin’s soft voice filled her head, making her smile.

“Wassup?” Kayleigh asked casually, running her hands subconsciously through her blonde waves as though Justin was with her.

“Nothing-” Justin chuckled, was he laughing at her? “You coming by later, Kayleigh?”

“I don’t know,” Kayleigh sighed, biting the nails on her left hand anxiously, “I’ve got rehearsals today. Are you bringing Emmy?”

“Yep,” Justin replied, “Do you want me to bring her early?”

“Of course!” Kayleigh exclaimed, hitting her head with the hand she’d been biting, “Dawn wants to talk the kids for a while before practice. I’ve got some free time till then.”

“I’ll count the seconds, Layla.” Justin hung up the phone, and Kayleigh stared at her phone screen for a second, a soppy smile on her face before catching sight of the time.

Running to her dressing room, Kayleigh put on the clothes Dawn had approved for the day. Baggy black and pink striped blouse and skin tight black jeans, fresh from Tommy Hilfiger’s new range. They were tight. Too tight. Kayleigh sucked in her stomach as she did up the zip. Pulling her blouse down over her butt, Kayleigh turned to the mirror, painting her lips with the same intense pink on her blouse, obscuring her freckles with cover-up and drawing thick black rims around her eyes.

“You look nice,” commented Dawn as Kayleigh came out of her dressing room, “In fact,” Dawn paused, looking at Kayleigh properly, “You look radiant. You haven’t looked this way since Finn was alive.”

Kayleigh’s smile slipped a little at the mention of Finn’s name. You’re such a slut! Cheating on Finn’s memory! And so what if Emmy is your daughter? She’s the reason Finn died! If you hadn’t got pregnant that night, Finn would never have found out about what happened. So, it’s Emmy’s fault, little bitch.

Kayleigh ignored her thoughts, pulling her phone out once more, opening Twitter.

Kayleigh Harrans- Hi there, #KHfans! I’ve picked the little divas for my show in London! #Cutelittlekids all the way!

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