Chapter 8- "I hate wearing dresses"

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Chapter 8

“Ms Harrans,” snarled Dawn.

“What?” Kayleigh shouted, exploding. “What the effin’ hell d’you want? I refuse to date that bastard. Not happening, period.”

Dawn sat down, running her hand through her grey curls. She sighed, resting her head in her hands as she surveyed Kayleigh through her fingers.

Kayleigh grew uncomfortable under Dawn’s gaze.

What?” she demanded; flustered.

“Nothing,” Dawn replied.

“Well, I’m not going out with Daniel Johnson any longer. Sorry, Dawn, but he’s just insufferable.”

“You have to,” Dawn said simply, standing up gracefully and taking a step towards Kayleigh, “The media” her voice lingered over the word, giving Kayleigh enough time to shiver, “The media already know. And it really wouldn’t help the cause if you broke up ‘again’ with someone else. Tell me, how’s Deidra’s ex-boyfriend these days?”

Kayleigh stood up straight from the table she’d been perched on. “Dawn-“ Kayleigh broke off to glance at the floor, drawing patterns on the smart white tiles with the toe of her leather boot, “I can’t. I just can’t. But if you say I have to, I will,”

“Great!” interrupted Dawn, “Then the only thing left is getting you ready for the Next Big thi-”

“I wasn’t finished,” interjected Kayleigh, taking a deep breath, “I want you to let me write the songs for my new album.”

What?” echoed Dawn hollowly, stunned into silence for the first time in her career.

All of them,” Kayleigh finished, exhaling and wincing at the inevitable onslaught.

“Kayleigh,” Dawn sank back into the chair, “You can’t do that.”

“I can!” protested Kayleigh, throwing her hands up in earnest, “Remember what happened in Greentown Festival?”

“I remember,” Dawn agreed, visibly contemplating.


“And it was good,” admitted     Dawn grudgingly.


“Well I can see your high school English diploma was wasted. All the words you seem to know how to say are conjunctions used incorrectly.” Dawn said tartly.

“Whatever,” Kayleigh rolled her eyes, “So you’ll let me write the songs?”

Dawn hesitated. “I think I’ll live to regret this, but yes.”

Kayleigh simply stared at Dawn for a full second, “You’ve got to be joking…” she whispered.

“Ah! Speechless for once,” Dawn said smartly, smirking as she got up, “I will review every song before it’s recorded. And if I think it’s satisfactory I will give permission.”

“I love you, Dawn,” Kayleigh said excitedly, squealing like a  teenager, “You’re the best,” she repeated, leaning in for a quick hug before pulling out her iPhone with a flourish. “Wait till I tweet this!”

“Hold on-” protested Dawn but Kayleigh was already out the door of Dawn’s office, dancing up and down  the corridor and tweeting furiously.

Hey, #KHfans!

Yours truly will be writing all the tracks for #KHNewAlbum! So excited!

Kayleigh grinned as it retweeted multiple times instantly.

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