Chapter 7- "We've got to act in love,"

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Chapter Seven

“Hi, I’m Kayleigh Harrans,” Kayleigh said anxiously, smoothing her hair with one hand.

“I know,” Daniel said coldly, one eyebrow raised as he sat down casually on a chair, “Just so you know, “I’m only doing this ‘cause my manager told me to,”

“Cheers,” Kayleigh replied immediately, dropping the charm.

“We’ve got to act in love,”

“In your dreams,” sniggered Kayleigh impulsively, prompting a glare from Daniel.

“Harrans,” Daniel said with a glare, “You’re the one who’s getting lucky. I help you with your career, you help with me mine. Nothing more, deal?”

“Yes,” Kayleigh said, taking an instant dislike to his insolence, “You’re seriously rude,”

“You’re seriously annoying,” Daniel said, getting up without even looking at Kayleigh as he walked out the room, Kayleigh scuttling behind him to the main room of Indigo Records.

“So, you guys happy?” Dawn asked the pair of them, like she matched people up every day. Which she probably did, thought Kayleigh.

“Whatever.” Daniel said sullenly.

“Um, sure, Dawn,” Kayleigh said.

“Well then, get your stuff, Daniel,” Dawn said, gathering her papers.

“Stuff?” Kayleigh echoed.

Dawn turned to her in surprise, “You guys are going on a date. I’ve got flowers and chocolate for Daniel to give you on your balcony. The paparazzi are already outside.”

“Outside? Why?”

“You were seen,” Dawn said simply, “Leaving Ms Spears’ house. Which means that they want to know why.”

“Hold on, you knew about that…?”

“Of course,”

Kayleigh blinked in surprise, before opening her mouth to speak but Daniel interrupted her. “Let’s leave,” he said without a backward glance at Kayleigh.

“Um, sure,” Kayleigh agreed, scurrying after him as he walked briskly across the room.


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