Chapter 6- A Problem Named Daniel Johnson.

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Chapter 6

“Kayleigh?” whispered Britney as she peered through a tiny crack between the back door and door frame.

“Hey, Brit,” Kayleigh said, smiling.

“You ok, Kayle?” Britney said, opening the door a little wider, her eyes still doubtful.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Kayleigh said, taking the invitation to stroll inside, her black leather heels clacking on the bare linoleum. Britney sighed and swallowed back a protest as she closed the door and followed Kayleigh to the airy, spacious living room. Pale pink wallpaper was evident from the early-morning sun streaming past the lacy white curtains. Britney’s taste hadn’t changed too much since Kayleigh remembered it was when Britney was nine years old and the two girls had read magazines and played games at Britney’s parents’ house, more often than not with Christina or Justin by their side. Britney sighed and sat down, running her pale hands through her wavy blonde hair.

“Why did you come here, Kayleigh?” Britney said as Kayleigh sat down on one of the armchairs.

“To make sure you’re ok,” Kayleigh said.

A slow smile took over Britney’s weary features. “Better than ok, Kayleigh. Better than ok. You’ll never guess!”

“What?” Kayleigh said slowly, gauging the sparkle in Britney’s eyes and the blush in her cheeks.

“I’ve met a guy!” Britney replied ecstatically, “I’ve met a guy, Kayleigh.” She repeated, savouring the words.

“You’re always meeting guys,” Kayleigh replied smartly, earning herself a glare from the impatient Britney.

“Yes, I know,” Britney huffed, “But it’s different with him. He makes me tingle, my heart beat faster. You know, how you said-” Britney broke off as Kayleigh stiffened, “Sorry, Kayleigh.”

Kayleigh blinked twice and shook her head, “Whatever. Have you heard about Loveless Murder?”

“That rock band?” Britney nodded, “Yep. The whole thing with Deidra Bitchface Hollman? I don’t believe a word of it, but the press do. It was all over the mags this morning.” Britney sighed, “James isn’t even hot. Trust me; it’s an insult for him to expect a girl like you, Kayleigh.”

“I don’t want anyone, right now. It wouldn’t be fair to them… or me.”

“What if Dawn makes you date someone, though?” Britney asked shrewdly, “It’s a common tactic.”

“Hell no,” shuddered Kayleigh, “I mean like, hell no! Not happening.”

“Kayleigh?” Britney asked slowly.

“Mmm?” Kayleigh replied slowly, mimicking her tone.

“This isn’t about Justin, right?”

Kayleigh missed a beat. “The hell? Justin? The fuck he’s got to do with anything?” she asked fiercely, “Hmm? Justin can go to hell.”

Britney remained unfazed. “You know perfectly well what happened about Justin. It was your choice, and probably the right choice, but that wouldn’t have made it any easier for Justin, or Finn.”

Kayleigh closed her eyes at the mention of Finn. “Don’t talk about Finn, please, Britters,”

Britney sighed, extending a hand to place on Kayleigh’s, “Ok. I understand.”

Kayleigh shook her head, “Whatever.”

Britney let the topic go awkwardly. An uncomfortable silence settled between the two women till Kayleigh spoke again, “So, what’s your new guy like?”

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