Chapter 17- "Emmy, I need to talk to you,"

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Chapter 17

“What’s wrong, Kayleigh?” asked Emmy, puzzled as Kayleigh began googling her own name, and Justin’s.

“It’s nothing, sweetheart,” Kayleigh replied, not taking her eyes off the screen as the page loaded. Her heart was beating fast with worry. What would Dawn say?

Finally, the Daily Mail loaded. The tall black letters of the headline made her cheeks blush deep red.

Daniel Johnson and Deidra’s PDA.

A huge picture of Deidra Hollman making out with Daniel assaulted Kayleigh’s eyes. Emmy blinked at Kayleigh’s phone screen

“Isn’t that your boyfriend, Kayleigh?” she asked, surprised.

Kayleigh nodded, scrolling down to read the article.

Yesterday after Loveless Murder’s concert in London, UK, Daniel Johnson could be seen getting up close and personal with the band’s lead singer.

Daniel Johnson is known to have been dating the pop princess Kayleigh Harrans, though he told our reporters as soon as he could be pulled away from Deidra that “Kayleigh is so self-obsessed she’s off the scale. It’s like everything has to revolve around her. It wasn’t a good relationship.”

When whether he is dating Deidra, the rock star standing beside him blushed and smoothed her hair and Daniel asked her, “What do you think, Deidra?” Deidra replied, “Yep!” with a laugh.

Who can blame him, really? She was looking amazing at her concert in a filmy see-through black minidress and black leather thigh boots. Looks like Kayleigh will have to find a new boyfriend.

“Bastard,” Kayleigh whispered, throwing her phone on the ground.

“Daniel?” Emmy asked.

“Yep,” Kayleigh phone vibrated again. It was Justin.

What u going 2 do? Does this mean Dawn’s gonna dump u, 2? Kayleigh could sense Emmy reading the text over her shoulder, so she hastily pressed reply.

Not if I can help it. Before anything, we’re going to the land of tea where Daniel is for the show, whether Dawn likes it or not. Can u make it?

A reply pinged back in an instant. Try and keep me away, babe.

Kayleigh put her phone back in her pocket, before taking Emmy’s hand. “Come on, we’re going downstairs.”

The little girl stumbled behind Kayleigh’s brisk walk. Kayleigh soft rosy skin was warm on her hand. For that one moment, Emmy wished with all her heart Kayleigh was her parent instead of Justin. Kayleigh, with her glamorous pop star lifestyle, her gorgeous looks, her music. To Emmy, Kayleigh was like a goddess, something so unattainable to herself.

“Kayleigh!” Dawn explained as she bumped into Kayleigh along the corridor, “Oh, and Emmy!” she added, glancing at the little blonde hanging on to Kayleigh’s manicured hand.

“What’s up, Dawn?” Kayleigh asked distractedly.

Dawn stared at Emmy pointedly, “Nothing. Emmy, sweetheart, I think your nanny is waiting to take you home. You do want an early night before our flight to London tomorrow, no?”

“Of course.” Emmy let go of Kayleigh’s hand, walking towards the stairs.

“Kayleigh,” interrupted Dawn just as Kayleigh opened her mouth.

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