Chapter 9- "Will you kiss me?"

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 Chapter 9

“Stop fiddling with your dress, Kayleigh!” Daniel said, slapping her wrist as they sat down at the al fresco dining area.

I can’t help it!” protested Kayleigh as she sank into the plush, red velvet seat. She reached for a handful of the heart-shaped chocolates at the centrepiece of their table and Daniel raised an eyebrow.

“Though Dawn didn’t let you have chocolate?”

“Screw Dawn,” Kayleigh muttered, shoving four tiny chocolates in her mouth.

“Don’t want to get too big for that dress, do we, now, K-girl?”

Kayleigh froze, the hairs on her neck prickling up as though pulled by invisible hairs. “You think I’m fat?” she whispered, her eyes widening, shivering at the word fat.

“No,” Daniel said, laughing as he put his hands behind his back and tilting his chair away from Kayleigh, “Not yet, anyway.”

“Excuse me, just a second.” Kayleigh said without glancing at Daniel.

Kayleigh got up, weaving her way into the resteraunt, stumbling a little in her seven-inch Gucci shoes. Screw Gucci, thought Kayleigh as she pushed the door open to the bathroom.

Grimacing as she heard one of her own songs over the speaker, Kayleigh stepped into the empty bathroom, slipping into a cubicle and locking it behind her before leaning against the door, breathing heavily.

She brought herself to stare at the toilet, her breath coming out in big gasps.

You’re fat. The voice shocked her for a second, audible again for the first time in years.

I’m not, Kayleigh willed.

Yes you are. You’re an ugly, fat whore. First Finn, Justin and now Daniel? You’re not just fat, you’re a fat slut.

I’ve not done anything with Daniel, she thought.

Not yet, the voice said slyly, But Dawn will make you kiss, you know she will. Before you know where you are you and Daniel will be making out, he’ll move in and God knows what else. S L U T.

Don’t!  Yelled Kayleigh, but no sound came out.

Not to mention you’re ugly and obese.

Without leaving a moment to think, Kayleigh began to push her finger down her mouth, her false nail catching on her throat, scraping long red weals.

“So, like I was saying,” came a hard voice as the door swung open, “Her days are numbered. If Kayleigh loses the Next Big Thing Awards, then we’ll be clear.”

Only Kayleigh could possibly recognise this voice. It was the microphone hardened, nine to five voice of a rock singer. And not any rock singer, it belonged to none other than Deidra Hollman.

Kayleigh pulled her hand out of her mouth, wiping the smile disgustedly on her dress hem, peering through the crack between the door and wall.

“I know,” Deidra paused as she heard something through her phone while attaching gold earrings to her non-phone ear in the mirror ostentatiously. “Yes, I know. Don’t worry, everything will go to plan. I promise, it will. Ok, ok. Don’t worry. Bye now.” Deidra dropped her phone into her purse, putting in her other earring. As she turned to leave, Kayleigh emerged from her cubicle, smiling sweetly.

“Hi, Deidra,” Kayleigh said innocently.

“Um, Kayleigh Harrans, what a surprise to see you here,” Deidra bluffed, her cheeks flooding with colour.

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