Chapter 3- Was It All A Dream?

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Chapter 3

Kayleigh woke up the next, praying it had all been a dream.

She drifted through the day, speaking only when spoken to, till rehearsal at six O’clock. One look at Andy’s face when she got to rehearsal proved otherwise.

“Look, later, Andy,” said Kayleigh tiredly as Andy opened his mouth to speak, “I don’t want to talk about yesterday,”

“Ok,” nodded Andy, tight-lipped.

Kayleigh rolled her eyes as she started the ‘Black as Snow’ again, her voice wavering slightly as she missed the highest notes. Claire, her vocal coach, winced as Kayleigh’s voice almost physically ran nails down the window.

“Kayleigh Harrans, what is wrong with you? This is just not acceptable, at all!” Claire said, “You used to nail those notes.”

“Sorry, Claire,” Kayleigh said, looking down at her shoes.

“Sorry won’t do much for you when you murder your songs onstage live, with the performance being broadcasted to the local TV channel and radio.”

“I know,” muttered Kayleigh, rolling her eyes under the safety of her long blonde fringe.

“Then go ahead and do it from the beginning,” huffed Claire, turning round and stalking over to Dawn to discuss Kayleigh’s onstage costumes.

Kayleigh grinded her teeth in annoyance and took a few deep breaths before she picked up her guitar and began to strum the strings.

“Oh, a smile could mean your broken, tears could mean a lifetime,” she sang soulfully, ignoring every scrap of technique she had ever been taught. Singing from her soul, every fibre of her, especially after yesterday, contributed and enriched the song she was singing.

“It will never be white as night, nor black as snow,” she ended the song, like doing up the clasp to a pearl necklace, and everything was clean, tidy and undeniably beautiful.

“That’s better,” said Claire, “Everybody back in five,” she dismissed.

Kayleigh reached for her water bottle, and made a performance of drinking a good half of the bottle so as to avoid speaking to Andy. He was coming over to her, though. Sugar cursed Kayleigh, drinking obsessively.

“Kayleigh,” Andy said, and Kayleigh knew without looking up that Andy would be doing his little eyebrows raised, I-know-something-I-could-use-for-blackmail smirk on his face.

“Don’t tell me, the paparazzi found out,” Kayleigh guessed.

“Nope, worse,” Andy said, half-grimly, half-amused, “Loveless Murder has announced a new single called ‘Blonde Princesses’ and I’m guessing you might just have a dedication.”

“What can I say?” said Kayleigh sarcastically, “I’m not quite feeling the honour.”

“You do know what’s coming next, right?” asked Andy.

“Yep.” Nodded Kayleigh, “Rolling Stone or some other magazine will ask Deidra what the inspiration for the song was. Somehow I get the feeling the name Kayleigh Harrans might just slip out instead of Kayle.”

“You knew she knew?” Andy asked, surprised.

“Of  course I knew she knew. She knew I knew she knew I knew that she knew.” Kayleigh said, tripping over her words.

“Hold, on, what?” Andy asked, “Give it to me slowly.”

“Basically, I’m busted, because 10:1 Dawn will find out.”

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