Chapter 12- "It was a mistake,"

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Chapter 12

“You want to see Justin?” Dawn repeated cynically.

“Yep,” Kayleigh winced, waiting for Dawn’s reaction.

Dawn looked for a moment like she was debating the possibility in her head. “Okay, Kayleigh. But when you’re back, I want you to be totally focused. And how’re you going to get there? Shall I call for a chauffeur?”

“No, I’m okay,” decided Kayleigh, “I’ll walk. It’s only like, thirty minutes from here, right?”

“Right,” Dawn agreed slowly.

Kayleigh walked out the room to find Daniel. He was sitting in a spare room, watching Fox News with his legs up and a vacant expression on his face.

“Hey, Dan, I’m going to a friend’s today.”


Kayleigh bit her lip, “Justin Timberlake.”

Daniel sat up straight, looking alert, “That might not be the best idea, Kayleigh. What will Emmy think?”

“I don’t know,” Kayleigh put her head in her hands, “I really just don’t know. But I have to see Justin anyway, if I want Emmy in my show.”

“Dawn could speak to him.”

“Yes, but I need to speak to Justin anyway,” Kayleigh said, “So, I’ll be back in about an hour.”

“Okay. Take care, Kayleigh.”

Half an hour later, Kayleigh was walking through the sunny streets of LA. The sun shined on her bare shoulders and legs. Good thing the sun’s shining. Nobody looked twice at her, an average blonde girl in sunglasses.

Kayleigh savoured the taste of freedom. No bodyguards, no minders. Just her and the beautiful, sprawling city.

Slowly, the streets got less congested, and the air grew cleaner. Tall, emerald green trees grew either side of her, and enormous white houses with polished lawns, not a single blade of grass a millimetre longer than another.

Number 42. Kayleigh walked up to the front door, knocking with the ornate silver knocker. A maid in a white dress and pale blue apron peeped round the door. “Hello, what can I do for you?” she asked in a polite, crisp voice.

“I’ve come to see Justin, in regards to his daughter Emmeline.”

The maid looked visibly shocked, “You know about Emmy?” she whispered.

“Yes, I do.” Kayleigh swallowed, she had nothing to lose, “I’m Emmy’s mother.”


“Justin will see you know,” the maid said, and Kayleigh stood up as Justin entered the room and began to talk, “Layla, what is this all about? How did you find out?”

“I met her, Justin, at the auditions, and I knew that Emmy was my daughter Jessica.”

“You can’t expect to walk back into her life now. You left her, you betrayed your own child, Kayleigh!” Justin’s voice was bordering on a yell.

“I know!” Kayleigh despaired, “And it was the biggest mistake of my life. I miss my little Jessie so much.”

“You didn’t when you were going to get her aborted.” Justin snarled, springing up.

“It was a mistake,” Kayleigh said standing up to look him in the eye, “And I was angry. If it wasn’t for Emmy, Finn would never have killed himself. If you hadn’t forced me to hook up with you, Finn would still be alive.”

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