Chapter 27 - Epilogue

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A/N: We are at this time again. Another ending to another book.

Aria's POV

The next day we handed in the slip for the trip to Domino City. Needless to say that Jaden was so hyper and overjoyed that we were 'together' that he would not let go of my hand, which allowed people to know that we were a couple. I got the occasional teasing comment but I ignored it best I could. My face still dusting pink every time.

I may have been able to keep my mouth calm but the rest of my face did not want to co-operate.

Damn you biology.

Domino City was amazing though. We managed to meet both Seto Kiba and his brother Mokuba. We also ended up running into THE King of Games, Yugi Motou as well as all his friends. Jaden got kinda protective, which was an awkward moment, but everyone else seemed to find it funny.

Memory -

Me and Jaden had just arrived at the Kiba Corp Tower and were waiting on a pair of seats for the legend himself to come out. Lucky for us, it didn't take long at all.

"Hey, I take it you're...Aria Streak and Jaden Yuki." Kiba stated.

"That's us." Jaden smirked.

He shook our hands, and so did Mokuba.

"It's nice to meet you guys." Jaden smiled.

"Nice to meet you guys too!" Mokuba cheered.

Just as we were to walk off on a tour or the towr, THEY came in.

"Sup Kiba!" A blond haired boy called, sounded like he had some sort of accent. Brooklyn maybe?

"Ugh. Not you people." He sighed.

"Come on Kiba. I though we had settled out differences already." The spiked hair boy stated. "Who are these guys?"

"They're here from the Duelling academy. They came here for that trip thing we opened up."

"Cool. Nice to meet you. I'm Yugi Motou."

"Hey! You're the King of Games!" Jaden exclaimed. "Wait...Aren't you also the guy that gave the Winged Kuriboh?"

Jaden shuffled thorough his deck and pulled out his favourite fluffy companion.

"Heheh. Yep that was me. Do you like him?"

"I love him! He's one of my favourite cards!" He exclaimed. "He's helped me so much over my duels. Couldn't have made it this far without the little guy."

"So what are your names?"

"I'm Jaden Yuki, and this is-"

"I'm Aria Streak." I cut him off. I could introduce myself.

"Nice to meet you. These are my friends; Joey, Tristan, Téa and Bakura."

They all waved and smiled.

"So why are you doofuses here...again?" Kiba questioned.

They clearly didn't get along too well, bus considering he hadn't gotten security to throw them out, they couldn't be that bad a pair of rivals. No worse than Jaden and Chaz at the least.

"Can't we just come visit a friend every once in a while?" Joey joked.

While they were all off talking, some guy, who was just loitering in the halls, just randomly came up to me. He was about my age. Blond shaggy hair.

"Excuse me, are you Aria? Aria Streak?" He asked.

"Uh! Y-yeah. That's me. What is it?"

I shuffled back a bit back towards Jaden and the others. When people I didn't know knew my name, that wasn't usually a good sign.

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